Our tin history honoured

The result of the melting and molding process – a commemorative piece of Stanthorpe history. Picture: Samantha Wantling

By Emily-Rose Toohey

In 2022, Stanthorpe has been celebrating a historic milestone and to mark the occasion, Amiens History Association were offering a special collectable item in honour of this history.

At Amiens’ Heritage Weekend last month, locals journeyed back in time at Stanthorpe Railway Station to commemorate 150 years of Stanthorpe and Colleen Willis of Amiens Historical Society said they were making commemorative trinkets on the day.

“The trinkets are collectables and were not all designed specifically for the 150th, but the plaques we were making on the day were engraved,“ Colleen said.

“We have observed over the course of many years that Stanthorpe doesn’t capitalise on its history, especially its tin history, which is why we did it.

“The trinkets also routinely sold on a Sunday when we’re open, we also sell them when we run tours.“

Furthermore, Colleen said that name Stanthorpe derives from the Latin word ’stannum’, which translates to ’tin village’.

“Tin was discovered in the mid to late 1800s soon after the formation of the colony of Queensland,“ she said.

“Prior to 1901 (federation), all the different colonies were given different names.“

During this time, Colleen said Australia was struggling with a recession.

“The discovery of tin in Stanthorpe and in some other areas is actually credited with saving the new colony of Queensland,“ she said.

“I think what we’ve done has been very well received and we felt that Stanthorpe needed to recognise its tin heritage for the 150th.“

Although the Heritage Weekend occurred in early September, this was the second attempt at the event as during its initial run in May, Colleen said the rainy weather impacted it.

“The weekend was supposed to be held on 16 and 17 May for the signing of establishment as Stanthorpe as a town,“ she said.

“The Railway Markets were cancelled and it was a miserable day so we decided to re-run it again this month.“

As a result, Colleen said the Railway Markets were much more successful, as was the day as a whole with better, brighter weather.