Honouring our history

Lyra local Ros Day is doing her part to honour the history of the region, compiling a book containing the Apple & Grape Harvest Festivals from 1954 through to the present. Photo: Samantha Wantling.

By Dominique Tassell

Lyra local Ros Day is doing her part to honour the history of the region, compiling a book containing the Apple & Grape Harvest Festivals from 1954 through to the present.

Ros said she initially just started compiling the history of the Ballandean Hall’s ambassadors for the hall’s centenary in 2016.

History has always been a topic of interest to Ros, and her interest was piqued more as her sister-in-law was once an ambassador.

She said the community was really good, helping her source photos and information.

“I had to search for others,“ she said.

Ros got in touch with the Stanthorpe Museum, and made good use of their newspaper collection.

She was surprised by the lack of a compiled history, and decided to broaden her search from just Ballandean Hall’s history in the festival.

“I thought ’why don’t I see how much info I can get’,“ she said. “All the entrants, all the winners, and compile it.“

The Apple & Grape Harvest Festival is one of Queensland’s oldest festivals, and the longest running apple parade on record.

Ros said she thought there should be more info readily available.

“For the last four years I’ve been trying to find as much as I could,“ Ros said. “We still have original entrants around.“

Ros got in touch with them, sourcing stories and photos.

“I’m fairly confident that I’ve got a pretty accurate record,“ Ros said.

Most of the information Ros has was sourced from newspapers.

“Newspapers are vital,“ she said. “I’m grateful they kept those newspapers.“

It’s nice to have all the information together, especially after years of work.

“It’s history. It’s hard work but it’s fun.“

Ros said the festival is a “great thing for the district“ and it’s fascinating to see how it’s changed over time.

“It’s a huge task now,“ she said. “I like to think it’ll keep going for a long time to come.“

“Stanthorpe does a great job of keeping itself on the map, it’s a great community and a great place to be.“

Ros only printed two copies of the book, with one in Ros’ care and one sent off to The National Museum of Australia, ensuring our history is preserved for years to come.