Endangered species on show

Designer Carmel Killin with some of the 1,853 endangered species, created by hand onto tiny bits of recycled packaging by over 200 professional and amateur artists from across Australia. Photos: Russell Wantling.

All of Australia’s threatened species can currently be found in one location.

The exhibition, comprised of 1853 Australian flora and fauna currently at risk from extinction, marked the fourth outing for this ongoing national community art project, known as Day of the Species.

The community artworks began with the drawing of one tiny spotted tail quoll by Day of the Species curator and artist, Carmel Killin, the day after the 2019 federal election and has grown to include more than 200 professional and amateur artists from across Australia.

The exhibit will be held 323 Harrigans Lane, Wilsons Downfall until 7 October.

Learn more at thelifesustainable.com.au/long-live-the-species/ or search Day of the Species on Instagram.