Inglewood school’s 150th monster celebration

Past students from Inglewood State School.

By Melissa Coleman

Since 1873 Inglewood State School has played a major role in the rural community and in educating students.

The school opened in February 1872 with 25 students from 9 different families.

Now the school of more than 140 students is hitting a major milestone celebration as it turns 150 years old.

The opportunity to explore the past through images and embrace the present is extended to all previous and present students, teachers, principals and employees, when the official festivities kick off on Saturday 15 October.

Prep Teacher Shona Clark-Dickson said the school formed an action group.

“It’s a great mix of past teachers and students as well as current teachers,” Ms Clark-Dickson said.

“Within the group, we all have taken on different responsibilities for the organisational requirements of the day.”

The 150th celebration begins at 10 am with an official ceremony kicking off at 12.30 pm.

Goondiwindi Regional Council Mayor and former student Lawrence Springborg along with former principals and ex-teachers will talk about their connection with the school.

On-campus activities will highlight the school’s long history with guided tours of the school, markets and souvenirs, and old-fashioned games for the kids and adults.

“We will be playing games like elastics, tunnel ball and an egg and spoon races.“

Other entertainment includes the students singing their school song, Strive Always, in sign language.

Ms Clark-Dickson said usually with every milestone age the school reaches there’s a gift.

“This time it is a yarning circle.”

The recent addition to the school will be commemorated in an Indigenous smoking ceremony.

The outdoor circle formed with large sandstone blocks will promote outdoor learning for the students.

“We received permission from the local Indigenous elders for the yarning circle, and it’ll definitely be a highlight having an elder perform a smoking ceremony on the day.”

The action group are expecting more than 500 people to attend the celebrations.

“The event is on all our social media links, but word of mouth has been a big pull as well.”

“The older ones who don’t use the internet have contacted members of the school to register their interest in coming,” she said.

The festivities finish up at the school at 4 pm however the nearby Golf Club will be providing refreshments and entertainment during the evening.

The local Inglewood Hotel and Bowling Club will also be open.

For further information on the 150th celebration please visit the schools website or Facebook page.