A flurry of colour

Granite Belt Cleaning and Hospitality owner Nathan Colyer and staff Sarah Schnitzerling, Sharon Empen and Sarah Furness embraced the pink, purple and bling theme to Celebrate the life of Santina. Photos: Samantha Wantling.

By Melissa Coleman

Stanthorpe was showered in pink and purple and bling as the community said farewell to Santina Leonardi.

Balloons adorned the Pierpoint Motors car lot and other business houses throughout town while homeowners added a touch of colour to celebrate the life of Santina.

Tributes from family, friends and colleagues have reflected the exceptional life of Santina.

Tricia stated many of you witnessed Santina’s growth from quiet young girl to the remarkably capable determinedly independent, vibrant and outgoing person she became, who came also to be a trusted friend to many.

She helped a great number of us to negotiate difficult and tragic times.

It was very important to you, her friends, to know how much you meant to her and how valuable your support was to her as she faced obstacles and challenges.

As Santina explained: “There are two ways to look at it. One is ’I can’t cope’, and the other ’I get on with it’.

“While there were some tough times there was also a lot of fun had.”

Santina didn’t mind a social event and she burst onto the social scene in a flurry of colour and a blur of bling.

We’ve had so many wonderful memories for all of us.

More tributes to Santina will be published in next week’s edition of Stanthorpe Today.