The Summit School reunion unveiling of artwork

Past students standing in front of the Centenary Mural.

On Saturday 8 October, more than 150 people attended the centenary celebration reunion at The Summit State School.

The school welcomed past and present students, from far and wide, to reminisce and tour the facilities.

The highlight of the day was the unveiling of the Centenary Mural by James Lister, Member for Southern Downs.

Local artists Franco and Morwenna Arcidiacono completed the artwork which depicts a activities very familiar to the Stanthorpe region.

Past families, students and staff purchased aluminium apple leaves as a record of their time at the school which were fixed to the mural.

Mrs Thea Jones (nee Hall) the oldest living student at 95 years old was present to cut the reunion cake with the youngest current student at the school, 5 year old Bonnie Kneipp.

As part of the celebration, those present contributed memories and other items to a time capsule.

Past student, Kris Thouard said the day was a great recognition of the centenary.

“I saw people I haven’t seen for more than 60 years,” Ms Thouard said.

“It was such a long long time ago; it was hard to recognise them without reading their name tags.”

“One gentleman looked so different, if I hadn’t seen his name I would not have recognised him at all,” she said.

Browyn Hill, Ms Thouard’s sister, was also in attendance and saw many friends from her class on the day.

If you attended The Summit State School and missed out on purchasing a commemorative apple leaf or memorabilia items and would like to please contact the school on 4683 2333 or email