Slithery snakes coming to Stanthorpe

Snake Season: Stanthorpe snake catcher Steven Emes.

By Melissa Coleman

With conditions starting to heat up in the region, snake catcher Steven Emes issued a timely warning and some helpful tips to minimise unwanted contact with snakes.

In our region the most common slithering reptiles are the black and brown snakes and red-bellied black snakes.

They are highly venomous.

However, there are a variety of other snakes Steven says that live in the region such as the marsh snake, bandy bandy’s, pythons and yellow-faced whip snakes.

The former welder from the fabrication industry is familiar with snakes, having grown up around them all his life.

“Mum used to own several and have snake shows which explained all things educational and how to minimise the risk of snake bites,” he said.

Snakes like to come out in the warmer weather to bask in the warmth of the sun.

Steven said when outside gardening wear thick gloves, long pants, thick socks and boots.

“Brown snakes’ fangs are about three millimetres long, so if you’re wearing thick and long clothing and you do happen to come across one, you have less chance of getting envenomated.”“Also be vigilant, watch where you are walking.”

“Snakes will be moving around from now looking for food sources,” he said.

Snakes like to hide under and in clutter left on the ground like old pieces of tin or stationary old machinery.

“Minimise stuff lying around in the yard, things like tin or fencing. Don’t lay them down, rest them standing up against the shed if you need to.”

“Another thing to do is shelve items off the ground in sheds,” he said.

Steven commented snakes could be hiding inside items such as old piping or containers.

Prior to lifting these thoroughly check for any signs of reptile activity.

“If you’re lifting things, lift away from yourself so the snake has a chance to escape,“ Steven said.

“That’s definitely a big one, I’ve seen people lifting things toward themselves and the snake come out towards them,” he said.

An important factor this snake season is preparing your property for the least amount of snake travel, however, if you do happen to come across one Steven Emes can be contacted on 0475 879 408.