50 years of proud farming families on the Granite Belt

It was a girl’s night out Karen Wren, Josephine Rogers, Sharon Empen, Angie Sims, Caroline Bertinazzi and Connie Taylor.

By Samantha Wantling

The Granite Belt has a proud farming history, that is today worth over $300 million dollar per year to our economy.

This feat is nothing short of amazing, given the conditions that Granite Belt Growers have faced since the very beginning.

Poor soil, lack of water storage and tough climate have led to a resilient farming community that punches way above its weight and as a result, the growers on the Granite Belt are today some of the most innovative in their fields.

This industry has time and time again demonstrated that they can support a town, employ thousands of locals and visitors and play a key role in Australian food security.

Saturday evening saw the culmination of 150 years of proud farming families attending the packing shed of Daniel and Toni Nicoletti that was transformed into a reception venue worthy of the finest guests, which is exactly what occurred.

Well over 100 past and present Granite Belt Growers came together to celebrate an amazing achievement from a united industry.

MC for the evening, Clinton McGrath had nothing but praise for his industry; an industry that through the best and the worst of times, continues to get up each morning and put food on the table of over 75 per cent of the population on Australia’s Eastern Seaboard.