Letters to the editor

Climate change backed by science

Viv Forbes is wrong about climate change.

Extreme weather events are increasing every year as the earth heats. Yes, we’ve had droughts and floods before, but they are increasingly numerous and extreme. We saw how the recent drought broke all records for low rainfall. We saw the extent of the Black Summer bushfires burning places that have never burnt before. We saw earlier this year Lismore broke its flood level by two metres.

Any letters printed from Viv Forbes should come with a warning label and declaration of his interests. Mr Forbes fails to declare that he has a long association with the coal industry, including as a director at Stanmore Coal, and is also the executive director of climate sceptic organisation the Saltbush Club. Could it be possible that he has a vested interest in stopping action on climate change?

99 per cent of climate scientists agree that the climate is changing and that humans are the cause – mostly from emissions of CO2 and methane. Australia has already experienced increases in average temperatures over the past 60 years, with more frequent hot weather, fewer cold days, shifting rainfall patterns and rising sea levels. Around the world we see evidence in heating oceans, shrinking ice sheets, retreating glaciers, decreasing snow cover and increasing ocean acidification. There is abundant scientific evidence for the case of human caused climate change.

Michelle Conkas,


Asking for empathy

I read with interest the Mayor’s frank and sincere letter last week headlined Rising above game playing regarding the distress and anxiety caused by the investigative processes when a complaint was made against him.

Many people will have complete empathy with his description of emotional turmoil of being “sent into a spin”, heart “doing backflips and front flips”, the “personal cost”, his life “absorbed” by the conflict, “refusing to suffer silently”.

Hmmm. That’s exactly what we four Careys Road families each felt when we were forced to take his council to court this year.

We were four ordinary, hard-working families versus the council’s big city barristers. No one in the council incurred any “personal cost” and ratepayers footed the $100,000 bill.

Brian Willmer,

Emu Vale.

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