Editor’s Desk

Dominique 'Mini' Tassell.

By Dominique Tassell

I’ve called the Southern Downs home for going on a year and a half, and it’s very bittersweet for me to announce that this is the second-last paper I will work on for Warwick Today and Stanthorpe Today before I head back to Brisbane to take on a new adventure.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here and feel I’ve learnt so much as a journalist but also just as a person.

When I think about the most important thing I have learned here, it’s how to represent a community in the news. I have always seen the community as the heart of the news, but living and working here has cemented it and helped me develop this skill. I’ve done my best to represent the community on issues big and small, and hope I’ve done you all proud.

I’ll miss living in the Southern Downs, and have no doubt I’ll be back frequently.