Photo found in old book

The photograph found in a reject book. Photos: Samantha Wantling.

By Melissa Coleman

An aging photograph, possibly more than 70 years old, was found in a ‘reject’ Stanthorpe Library book last week.

The image depicts 15 Naval officers and mid-ship crew members possibly from World War II.

Stanthorpe Lavender farmer Martin Bonner said he came across the photograph after acquiring a library book from the Stanthorpe Library book sale.

“Mum had been looking through the book, but it wasn’t until later on when I picked it up that we saw the photo,“ Mr Bonner said.

The image was nestled safely between the pages of the book.

There are no visible markings on the front or back of the photograph; however, the insignia on the military caps of the men may be interpreted as British in nature.

“The seated men look to be a higher rank than those standing,” Mr Bonner commented.

An assortment of different styles of chairs are seen in the image, and while there is no date associated with the picture, it could be early winter.

Mr Bonner also mentioned that the fencing in the background of the image didn’t look to be regulation Australian fencing.

It has been more than 80 years since WWII began.

If anyone has any knowledge of who the image belongs to or information about the people in the photograph, please contact Mr Bonner personally.