Expectant dads learn over cold beers

Meet you at the pub for a coldie and chat about babies. Photo: Samantha Wantling.

By Melissa Coleman

For expectant dads, the concept of how to support their partner through the birth of their baby is best learnt over a few schooners, according to Lucy Perry.

The brainchild behind Beer and Bubs came to the part-time doula in 2004 when she was supporting couples both physically and emotionally through the childbirth process.

While childbirth may be daunting for many reasons to both men and women, Beer and Bubs session prepares fathers for a no-holes-barred learning experience, from preparing for the baby’s arrival to postpartum depression and how to balance work and family life.

Ms Perry said the program helps men gain the practical knowledge they need to be involved in the births of their children in a positive way and to get the fatherhood adventure started with a memorable and empowering experience.

“Most men would rather head to the pub anyway, so Beer and Bubs is perfect for first-time fathers who don’t know what they’re in for.”

“Or for those going back for a second or third round who weren’t well prepared the first time,” she said.

While Beers and Bubs is run at various pubs across the country, this is a first for Stanthorpe.

Ms Perry said expectant fathers who have attended antenatal classes but would like a more practical understanding of their role at birth in a useful way are encouraged to attend the session.

Peter, a dad from Sydney said his wife signed him up without telling him about it.

“I was a little annoyed but went along with it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. To be honest, I wouldn’t have had the courage to ask about some of the things I learned,” Peter said.

“Sharing with other men and hearing a woman’s perspective shed much light on how little I really knew or what my wife really needed from me.”

“I understand how I can support and protect her during birth now,” he said.

O’Maras Hotel in Stanthorpe is holding the childbirth education session, Beer and Bubs, on Tuesday 6 December from 6 pm – 8.30 pm. Cost $39 for the session and a pub meal.