Granite Belt flourishes

Postcards depicting a flourishing region.

The Granite Belt flourishes as the biggest fruit transport company on the east coast of Australia, Lindsay Bros Transport, opens a new depot.

January 8

• First Landing to be Re-enacted on Australia Day

January 10

• Anti-hail Cannon installed at Pozieres

January 22

• Stanthorpe Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses 100 members build Kingdom Hall in two days

• Border Broadcast Society to Broadcast FM Radio During Show

January 17

• Another First for Granite Belt George Switala -Deer Farming at The Summit (Began 18 months ago)

February 12

• The $48,000 Face lift – Aerodrome

March 12

• Creek Project Starts CEP Employed Workforce

March 14

• Stanthorpe State Old Boy Wins Top Award

March 19

• Council Faces Conflict in Creek Beautification Ester Henderson protests resumption of her land o Trustee Takes Control of Golden Grove Assets Bookookoorara

March 28

• Obituary: Leonard Smith

April 2

• Police Locate Bandit’s Bike

Armed Hold up of Commonwealth Bank. Purchased the bike at McCosker Motors at 11.30 am last Friday. Held the bank up at 1.30 pm at gunpoint. $450 paid for the bike in cash.

April 16

• YMCA Opening – Six Year Dream Now a Reality

• Hail Damage Claims from 25% to wipe out Pozieres, Bapaume, Spring Creek, Ballandean

• Stanthorpe RAAF – 200 personnel, RAAF and Army in operation at Airfield

April 25

• Stanthorpe to Host 1985 Country Press Conference

May 16

• Life Membership for Arthur Martin Stanthorpe Agricultural Society

June 20

• Obituary: Albert Edmund Chapman

• Pony Club State Championships

Stanthorpe, Texas and Bracker Creek Pony Club to host Pony Club Association of Queensland Championships and State Pony Club Show jumping championships.

Peter Bondfield, Ted Bonner, history of Bracker Creek Pony Club, Texas Club formed 1961

July 2

• Farmers Rally for Canberra Protest

• 46 growers attend Tax Summit Protest in Canberra

August 8

• Obituary: John Matthew Thompson Resident since 1897

September 3

• New Flag for Stanthorpe new Stanthorpe Shire Council Flag

September 5

• Bright Future Predicted for Tourism in the Granite Belt Cr. Sullivan

October 8

• New Art Gallery Proposed by Council

October 31

• Michele (Dwyer) takes over Shire Librarian

• Applethorpe Pioneer – Bernie Willocks

• Lindsay Bros Transport Feature

The biggest Fruit transport company on the east coast of Australia, Lindsay Bros Transport, will open a $200,000 investment at an industrial estate – new depot

November 14

• Days are Numbered – Commonwealth Bank Erected 1936

November 21

• New Library for Stanthorpe High

December 12

• Top Award for Former Resident Kev Klemm

• Lindsay Hamilton Artist in Clay