Challenge Accepted! To cut or to shave.

To cut or to shave? Connie Taylor is participating in the World's Greatest Shave. Photo: Contributed.

By Melissa Coleman

A challenge has been extended to Stanthorpe local Connie Taylor, who is participating in Shave for a Cure early next year.

The mission of the World’s Greatest Shave is to either shave, cut or colour your hair to further life‑saving research and support Aussie families facing blood cancer.

Connie choose to cut her locks, which she fondly calls Hagrid Hair; however, after already raising more than $2 150, she received a dare to shave her head instead.

Connie said someone offered me another $1 500 if I would shave my head.

“So, I’ve put it onto social media that if I get my donations up to $3 000, I will shave my head.”

Already the brave Connie’s crowning glory is thick, lush, and at a length of 30 centimetres long.

“My heritage is Italian, so that’s actually 30 centimetres curly. My hair will be straightened before the cut, which will then make it even longer,” she said.

For the past three years since her 50 th birthday, Connie has been growing her locks.

Having a Covid 50 birthday instead of a huge shindig made her realise that “our focus should be on loved ones and the people around us, not ourselves.”

“A few of my friends were going through breast cancer at the time, and I thought, what can I do to help,” she said.

“I had longish hair back then when the idea was conceived, but now it hangs down my back.”

Connie is scheduled to get her locks loped off on Saturday 28 January, at Emz Hair Studio in Glen Aplin.

“I’m donating my ponytails if I don’t reach the $3 000 mark,” she said.

According to her World’s Greatest Shave page, all that is needed for Connie to go ‘all the way and shave’ is another $850.

“Please sponsor me to help give families the emotional and practical support they need,” Connie said.

“Everything raised helps to fund research into blood cancers while improving people’s quality of life. It’s such a good cause.”