Q&A with Connie Taylor

Get to know Connie Taylor.

May I introduce myself? Most of you know me as Connie Taylor – but few know me by my actual name, which is Concetta, of which I am named after my paternal Nonna. I am first born to Joe and Nina Ricca, and I grew up in the southern area of Ballandean, which is also known as “God’s country”. My siblings are Sarina Maggiolo and Sam Ricca.

If you could spend 24 hours anywhere, any year, where would you choose?

A huge question – my first thought was where my dad grew up and was as a little boy.

In Sicily, but 24 hours is not anywhere near enough time.

So, I am going to say with all my grandparents and just sit and listen to them all and just to hear their voices once again. Not just pretend to listen, like you did when you were little, but listen and trust and understand all their knowledge. I miss them all greatly.

What’s something people may not know about you?

I am first born Australian to my Italian father, who came to this glorious country when he was 11 and second born Australian, after my mum, who was born in the old part of the Stanthorpe hospital. Also, I am currently growing my hair to donate to World’s Greatest Shave and I will be cutting my hair on the 28 January.

What are you most grateful for?

My heritage, my family (which is all my extended family – including my cousins).

My Nonno and Nonna along with my parents taught me how to cook (not as good as them though) with what food you have in the cupboard/fridge. To not be wasteful and to recycle everything.

What would your last meal on earth be?

This is a question that I have been tossing around a lot, and most of my family would answer this for me with chips and gravy