First baby is mum’s seventh

First baby for Stanthorpe Oliver Lyle-Rain Bunton with mother Monique Bunton.

By Leonie Fuge

He is being celebrated as the first baby of the year born in Stanthorpe, but it took a border crossing by ambulance to achieve the prestige.

Oliver Lyle-Rain Bunton, was born a healthy 9lb 6 oz at 4.48 pm on 3 January to Tenterfield parents, Monique Bunton and Reece Lyngstad.

Oliver has become the seventh child of the household with five brothers and one sister.

The young mum who is only 24 years of age, is already back at home with her brood of children.

With a house full of children ranging from a toddler to a 10 year old, Monique said.

“Oliver seems to be the only one getting any sleep.”

Oliver holds a special place in the hearts of his parents whom they call their “Rainbow Baby,“ a name coined for a healthy baby born after a miscarriage.

“I had five miscarriages in between Xanthe, who is nearly two years old, and Oliver,” said Monique. “Oliver is a big celebration.“

Monique and Reece had been together for one year when Monique found out she was pregnant with her first child.

“I always wanted a big family,“ she said.

Reece had four boys from a previous relationship and around the same of becoming pregnant time the dream for her own big family materialised suddenly.

“After I fell pregnant, we found out we would have full custody of the boys.”

Monique was 21 at the time and inexperienced with parenting.

“I had no idea what I was doing,” laughed Monique.

“We were bombarded. I had to figure out school, toddlers and a newborn at the same time.”

Inheriting four extra children did not deter Monique and Reece from expanding the family which now sits at seven children.

“People ask me if I will keep going,” said Monique. “I wouldn’t mind another girl to even things up.”