Stanthorpe charges into the EV world

The new creek street charging station in Stanthorpe is now fully operational. Picture Samantha Wantling.

Creek Street, Stanthorpe is the latest Electric Vehicle charging station to be brought online in Queensland.

Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the Stanthorpe site provided an inland connector for regional communities and would allow more Queenslanders to join the EV revolution.

“I was in Stanthorpe just a few months back and it was abundantly clear just how much this charger was needed,” Mr Bailey said.

“I know lots of people head out to Stanthorpe and the Granite Belt for wine tasting and tourism, and this gives people the ability to head there in their EV with confidence.

“The new site in Stanthorpe is located at the Creek Street car park, and provides four charging bays,“ Mr Bailey said.

“It’s exciting to see more charging stations popping up to support our regional communities and travellers.

“We are continuing to see increasing numbers of people switch to EVs, but we also know the issue of range anxiety has been raised, particularly for longer trips and into regional Queensland.

“That’s why we committed to delivering 24 extra charging station across Southern, Western and regional Queensland as part of QESH Phase 3.”

Once Phase three is completed, the QESH will consist of a comprehensive network of 55 public fast charging sites across the state. It will complement Queensland’s Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy 2022-2032 which committed $10 million for the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Co-Fund Scheme.

A map outlining all QESH locations, is available on the Transport and Main Roads’ website at