Priest’s journey to Australian citizenship

Fr Gonzalo Garcia Duran, parish priest at St Joseph’s Church, became an Australian citizen on 26 January.

By Jenel Hunt

For Father Gonzalo Garcia Duran, life within the Catholic faith has been a journey – literally.

Originally from Mexico, he was in Hong Kong for 14 years and has since been in the ministry in Australia for seven years, most of that time in Chinchilla. But for more than a year, Fr Gonzo (as he is known locally) has been the parish priest for St Joseph’s Parish and it was in Stanthorpe that he recently took his journey to a whole new level with Australian citizenship.

“I have experienced three very different cultures,” he said.

“Every culture has its own challenge, and it is not only because of the language. But immersing yourself in the culture that the country is offering you is a blessing. You are part of something different and it is rewarding to allow yourself to share and contribute what you can.”

He said he hadn’t had many chances to share the real Mexican experience of the country’s cuisine, although there had been a school event which had included a taco night last year. It was a tastebud adventure different to ’Australian tacos’, he said.

“It is quite a different flavour. The meats and different kinds of salsas are cooked completely differently,” he said.

Fr Gonzo joined seven others to make his pledge at the Stanthorpe Civic Centre on Australia Day. A big contingent of parishioners was there to cheer him on.

Fr Gonzo said it felt good to be an Australian citizen and ‘not just someone who is for the time being working here’.

“It was the logical step for me in terms of being fully committed to being part of the community.”

How long he stayed in Stanthorpe was up to the Bishop, he said.

“I am here until he makes another appointment for me.“