Spencer on target for darts fame

Stanthorpe teenager jack Spencer named Number One Boy's Dart Player in Australia again in 2023.

By Casey OÇonnor

From across Australia to the Netherlands, Stanthorpe, 17-year-old Jack Spencer, is making a name for himself in the world of competition darts.

In December, he travelled to the Netherlands to represent Australia in the World Federation Darts tournament in Assen.

For the Stanthorpe teenager who had only recently left school to take up an apprenticeship, it was in his words, “A life changing trip.”

In Assen, Spencer who is relatively new to the game played with and against some of the best junior players in the world.

“The entire experience was life changing,” he said.

“The first day of competition was a massive eye opener.”

If walking into a room with 600 players was not daunting enough, Jack had just three minutes to find his board as time is of the essence.

Competition on day one was by invitation only and Spencer played very well winning his first three games. He then played against the fourth ranked junior player in the world.

Scores were four games all and Jack required a double 20 to secure a win. Unfortunately, his dart hit the wire and he was eliminated.

By day two Spencer was more familiar with what was expected and what to expect. Even small things like walking out of the “oche” (the throwline) in the opposite direction to what is familiar to him in competition in Australia.

Jack said he also enjoyed meeting players from other countries and making new friendships.

In a cruel twist, like many others, Jack contracted the flu which hit the area in a pandemic wave.

On day three he was unwell and only able to play a couple of games before his symptoms worsened and Covid floored him.

It was not the outcome Jack was hoping for, but it has given him a taste of International competition and what is required. His performance good enough to catch the eye of many in Essen.

In January Jack was back playing in the 2023 Junior Championships in Brisbane.

He teamed up with the number two player in Queensland, Chayce Woods (12) from the Sunshine Coast.

It was a successful pairing, and the team went on to defeat South Australia 4-1 in the final to win the Boy’s Doubles title. Spencer then finished runner up in the Boy’s singles.

The Queensland team was named Australian Junior State Champions.

Jack Spencer was again named the number one Junior Boy’s player in Australia for his overall performance during the week long competition.

Ultimately two of the top six boys and girls from this competition will be named as the Australian representatives to play in the World Federation Darts tournament which will be held this year in September in Denmark.

Having tasted International competition this is the goal Jack has set himself in 2023.

During the year he will travel throughout Qld, NSW and Victoria to play World Federation events in an effort to secure a place on the Australia team and an invitation to play in Denmark.

If selected (or when selected) Jack says he would enter the 2023 International event with a far better understanding of what is required at that level of competition. Most importantly he has seven months to prepare not just seven weeks as he had in 2022.