Better late than never

A moving ceremony was held at Stanthorpe last week (27 February) when the burial sites of five World War 1 veterans were dedicated with new monumental plaques. Two relatives of Harold Bernard Mann Rae Gleeson (left) and Margaret Smith attended the ceremony. They were the only descendants present at the Unmarked Graves Dedication. Picture: SAMANTHA WANTLING

It’s sad, but we’ve all done it – finished a job and then discovered that something important was left out. That’s what happened to us last week. And not once, but twice in one publication. Inexplicably, these two photos fell off their pages. We thought they were integral to the stories so we’re trying again. Wish us luck! Our reporter from Stanthorpe is taking the blame on her broad shoulders but we all know it’s not human error but the print gremlins who creep in and do these things under cover of darkness.