Back to school for students of St Joeys

Aria Sutton and Sam Collett are two of the many Year Ones that embarked on a new academic year at St Josephs School. Picture: SAMANTHA WANTLING

By Lucy Waldron

St Joseph’s School witnessed the eager return of students for the start of the academic year. While the Year Ones initiated the scholastic journey on Tuesday, the Preppies eagerly followed suit a day later on Wednesday.

Despite the staggered starts, the enthusiasm echoed uniformly across the region as backpacks filled with fresh notebooks, pencils sharpened to a fine point, and the crisp pages of textbooks awaiting their first annotations, students filed into the school grounds, ready to embark on a new academic journey.

Whether it was a reunion with familiar faces or a venture into uncharted territory for newcomers and those ascending to higher grades, the first day back at St Joseph’s School became a collective experience marked by a mix of excitement and apprehension.

In a broader context, the Queensland Government’s commitment to investing in the future and education of the state’s students was evident. St Joseph’s School, aligning with this vision, has dedicated itself to ensuring its pupils receive the best educational resources and support, empowering them to reach their full potential.