Celebrating the unsung heroes

Volunteering offers 'Something for Everyone', come and celebrate the regions volunteers. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

As the Southern Downs gears up to celebrate National Volunteer Week, the Southern Downs Regional Council is extending its gratitude to the army of volunteers who play a vital role in keeping the region vibrant and thriving.

To honour their dedication and commitment, the council will be hosting free morning teas in Warwick and Stanthorpe, providing an opportunity for the community to come together and express appreciation for these unsung heroes.

Established in 1989, National Volunteer Week is Australia’s premier celebration of volunteers and volunteerism.

This year’s theme, ’Something for Everyone,’ emphasises that there’s a place for everyone in the world of volunteering, highlighting the diverse opportunities and rewarding experiences that volunteering offers.

Southern Downs Mayor Melissa Hamilton thanked the region’s volunteers for their invaluable contribution to making the Southern Downs the warm and welcoming community that it is. 

“National Volunteer Week is an opportunity for our community to say a huge thank you to those residents who give their time and energy to local causes and community groups,” Mayor Hamilton said. 

“Volunteering is a great way to strengthen your connection to the community, to meet new people and to have fun. 

Mayor Hamilton underscored the pivotal role volunteers play in shaping the Southern Downs into a welcoming and friendly community, expressing pride in the region’s strong spirit of volunteerism.

“We encourage everyone to try one of the volunteer opportunities across the region. Whether you’re drawn to environmental causes, community welfare, education, sport or beyond, there’s a place where your efforts will be rewarded,” Cr Hamilton said.

“Please join Council at one of our free morning teas in either Warwick or Stanthorpe to acknowledge and celebrate all of our dedicated volunteers.” 

Residents are invited to join the Southern Downs Regional Council at one of the free morning teas in either Warwick or Stanthorpe to acknowledge and celebrate the dedicated volunteers who enrich the community.

The morning teas will be held at the following locations and times:

Stanthorpe RSL Services Club: 10 – 11 am, Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Warwick Town Hall: 10 – 11 am, Thursday, May 23, 2024

RSVP is essential. Those interested are encouraged to contact the Council’s Community Development Team at commdev@sdrc.qld.gov.au or on 1300 697 372 to provide details and confirm attendance.