A changeover for Zonta

Zonta Members: Paula Passi, Kate Finlay, Wendy Mather, Peggy Channon, Desleigh Volpato Judi Kelly, President Edith Boccari, Asst Treasurer Rosemary McMahon, Archives Sandy Dillon, Membership Lynne Nolan,Media & Communications -Debbie Majella, Advocacy Chair -Dorothy Switala, President Elect 2025-206 Sandy Venn-Brown.

May is recognised as Domestic and Family Violence Awareness Month and Zonta Stanthorpe were given the opportunity to show our support of this issue when we joined with the Stanthorpe Gremlins for the QRL Respect Round earlier this month.

Thanks goes to Zonta Stanthorpe Advocacy Committee Chair Sandy Venn-Brown who collaborated with Stanthorpe Gremlins president Roger O’Brien to make the day possible.

It was great for Zonta to have a presence, meet the Junior players and witness the great work that our local rugby league club are doing regarding respectful relationships.

Zonta Stanthorpe members look forward to continuing this new connection with a great supportive club in the future.

Our Annual Change Over dinner was held on Saturday the 25 May at Anna’s restaurant.

Guests included Mayor Melissa Hamilton and Crs Sarah Deane and Morwenna Harslett, Zonta District 22 Area 4 Director & Zonta Club of Warwick member Jenny Loy, Zonta club of Warwick President Colleen Hunt Jim Barnes President– Rotary Club of Stanthorpe Kerry Ryan – Rotary Club of the Granite Belt Fran Hodgson President Granite Belt Neighbourhood Centre/MOW Bette Bonney– Warwick Safe Haven, Zonta Stanthorpe members and partners.

Zonta District 22 Area 4 Director Jenny Loy conducted the installation of the Zonta 2024-2025 Board members and committee chairs being,

President Edith Boccari, President Elect-Sandy Venn-Brown, Minutes Secretary Annette Turner, Correspondence Secretary-Denice Arlidge, Treasurer Deb Debnam, Asst Rosemary McMahon.

Committee chairs-Service-Jenny Lutter, Advocacy-Dorothy Switala, Membership-Lynne Nolan, Newsletters and Webpage- Debbie Majella, Archives Sandy Dillon.

As outgoing Zonta Stanthorpe President I acknowledge the generosity of time given and support from my members during the past 2 years, it has been greatly appreciated.

I feel proud of all our efforts and look forward to being part of what Zonta Stanthorpe will achieve under the guidance of a new board building a better world for women and girls.