New directory launched

Happy to launch the directory and diary, along side the team from Granite Belt Neighbourhood Centre were Mayor Melissa Hamilton together with Cr Sarah Deane, Cr Morwenna Harslett and Cr Russell Wantling. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

An online platform with a mission to connect everything that is important to the people in the community has been officially introduced in Stanthorpe.

On Thursday 30 May, about 40 people attended the launch of the Stanthorpe Community Directory and Diary at the Stanthorpe RSL Services Club.

The new directory was created as part of a bigger program servicing many parts of Australia through the MyCommunity platform. The provider, a health promotion charity called Community Information Support Services, was represented by its CEO Brentyn Parkin.

Granite Belt Neighbourhood Centre (GBNC) services manager Jennifer Leigh said the project was made possible by a grant given to the GBNC along with a partnership with the Rotary Club of Stanthorpe. The initial project funding would last until next June and they would be working to find partners for ongoing funding, she said.

Mr Parkin said the directory was designed to include service providers, community organisations and even listings that detailed where volunteering opportunities existed.

“This is about providing what people are searching for. There are 299 services available at your fingertips,” he said.

“We’re covering the service delivery sector – but if we’re going to live our best lives, this needs to connect back to the clubs and groups in the community. So you can find everything from aged care or disability services to a football club or a church.”

Southern Downs Mayor Melissa Hamilton was flanked by councillors Russell Wantling, Morwenna Harslett and Sarah Deane at the launch and all praised the area’s new platform.

Cr Hamilton said one of the challenges of the modern world was around the different platforms used for community engagement and how to make the information available to all.

“I’d like to thank the Granite Belt Neighbourhood Centre and Rotary Stanthorpe who have been the driving forces behind this,” she said.

She said the community directory’s layout was very much in line with the recently introduced council portfolios, clearly identifying what the community was interested in.

“I can already see just from the introduction that this is something that will help the council to reach out,” she said.

Ms Leigh encouraged people involved in clubs, organisations, agencies and support services to put their information up on the site.

“It’s about connecting people – giving them access so they don’t need others to help them get the information they need,” she said.

The website is accessible from, and listings are free.