‘New chapter’: Reopening date for Stanthorpe Library revealed

The refurbished Stanthorpe Library will reopen on 8 July, Southern Downs Regional Council have revealed while the art gallery's reopening is forecast for later that same month. Picture: Samantha Wantling

The Southern Downs Regional Council have confirmed completion of work on the newly expanded Stanthorpe Library, revealing the facility will officially reopen from early-July.

Library services at the council’s Stanthorpe Administration Building, where the library had temporarily relocated, will close for five days from 1 July.

During that time, library collections will be relocated to the upgraded facility which the council announced will reopen for the first time on Monday 8 July.

Mayor Melissa Hamilton said the library’s reopening marked a “new chapter”.

“Our regional library facilities are much loved, and both the staff and the community are very excited about this new chapter for our Stanthorpe Library,” Cr Hamilton said.

“I would like to thank the community for its patience and understanding as staff continued to provide library services temporarily from the Stanthorpe Administration Building during the project’s construction.”

The expanded facility will open with more space, capacity for improved services and a larger area for the library’s extensive $1 million book collection.

Councillor Morwenna Harslett labelled the library an “essential community asset” which offered more than just books.

“Many people in our community use our libraries as a safe and peaceful haven from a sometimes-boisterous society, and the new and improved facility caters to a changing world where literacy is still paramount but sometimes looks a little different to the traditional model,” Cr Harslett said.

“We are very fortunate to have such a vibrant literary and cultural scene on the Southern Downs,” she said.

Construction on the building, which will also house the newly renovated art gallery, faced several months of delays when previous contractors St Hilliers entered voluntary administration in early-February. The art gallery is expected to open its doors to customers from late-July.

Councillor Harslett said despite the project’s setbacks, the reopening was “a significant milestone for our community who have whole-heartedly supported the project from beginning to end”.

“It has taken a team effort to keep the project on track for delivery for a timely completion date,” she said.