Changing of the guard

It was congratulations all round, as outgoing president Mary Puglisi handed over cheques to some very worth groups across the Granite Belt. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

By Lucy Waldron

The Rotary Club of the Granite Belt held its changeover meeting where Immediate Past President Mary Puglisi passed the reins to Greg Paxton.

In her closing speech, Mary highlighted the club’s motto of Fun, Food, and Fellowship, which they have maintained through events, food drives, and camaraderie.

“It has been an honour to serve as president of the Rotary Club of the Granite Belt. Without the support of members, neither the president nor the club can prosper,” Mary said. “Thank you to all of our members for your support and assistance. Together, I hope that we are able to, in some small way, create hope in the world.”

As her final act, Mary awarded the Paul Harris Fellow to Narelle Hetherington for her dedication to the community, who gratefully accepted the award.

After it was Greg Paxton turn to accept the charter with great honour.

“I believe in the magic that Rotary can bring to the world and the ideals of Rotary and what it stands for. The wonderful things it is able to accomplish, its activities—there can be no doubt that these are all great causes and all worthwhile,” Greg said.

“Our focus in the Rotary Club of the Granite Belt has been and will continue to be supportive and actively involved within the community. I am honoured to be president of the Rotary Club of the Granite Belt and I am looking forward to us once again making a positive contribution to the community of the Granite Belt.”