Honour for Orford

The newest Paul Harris Fellow Catherine Orford was humbled to receive her pin and certificate from outgoing District Governor Dave Harmon.

By Lucy Waldron

The Rotary Club of Stanthorpe recently held its annual changeover dinner, celebrating a year of achievements and welcoming new leadership. The event acknowledged the significant contributions and the introduction of incoming presidents for both the main club and the satellite branch.

A key highlight of the night was the presentation of the Paul Harris Fellowship to Catherine Orford. The fellowship, named after Rotary’s founder Paul Harris, is the highest honour the club can give, recognising significant contributions to the community. Catherine’s extensive background in hospitality and education, coupled with her unwavering support for Rotary’s events and initiatives, made her a standout recipient.

Outgoing president Jim Barnes reflected on his two years of leadership, noting the club’s numerous events and collaborations with other organisations. He highlighted the “Aging Well“ seniors’ morning tea as a particularly proud achievement, offering seniors an opportunity to connect and enjoy high-quality entertainment.

Incoming president Stephen Tancred outlined his vision for the upcoming year, focusing on fellowship, community service, and maintaining strong international ties. He emphasised the importance of fun and camaraderie in Rotary activities, aiming to keep the club engaged and vibrant.

“I hope to keep fun and fellowship at the centre of the Rotary,” Mr Tancred said.

The Satellite Club’s incoming president Robyn Henderson also shared plans for continuing their successful youth programs, including leadership camps and the youth exchange program. The Satellite Club’s unique initiatives, such as the “Waste Not Want Not“ project, turn local produce into jams and chutneys, supporting community projects and raising funds for youth activities.

“I’d like to acknowledge my committee for this year and thank all of our members for the remarkable work you’ve continued to do for Stanthorpe and beyond,” Ms Henderson said.