Council votes to sack CEO ‘effective immediately’

Southern Downs Regional Council chief executive Dave Burges has been sacked after councillors voted to terminate his employment at an ordinary council meeting on Wednesday. (File)

By Jeremy Cook

Southern Downs Regional Council has voted to terminate its chief executive Dave Burges at its ordinary September council meeting.

Councillors had spent about one hour discussing Mr Burges’ dismissal during a confidential mayoral minute before reopening Wednesday’s meeting to vote on his termination.

“I’m going to move a motion that council terminates the chief executive officer’s employment in accordance with section 18.1E of the contract of employment with council and the officer made on 19 June 2023 effective immediately,” Mayor Melissa Hamilton said.

The motion passed after all but two councillors voted in favour.

Speaking after the vote, Mayor Hamilton thanked Mr Burges “for his service to council over the last four years”. Mayor Hamilton said she wished him “all the best for the future”.

Mr Burges spent four years in the role after his appointment in mid-2020. Born and raised in Stanthorpe, he had previously spent nine years as CEO for the Quilpie Shire Council in western Queensland. His hiring followed the departure of controversial former CEO David Keenan.

Councillor Ross Bartley, who alongside Councillor Russel Wantling voted against the decision, said it was “disappointing” the CEO had been terminated.

“But it seems to be that is life of local government,” Cr Bartley said.

Cr Bartley praised the professionalism of the now-former CEO.

“In my 20 years plus of local government, I’ve worked with five full-time CEOs and as many acting, and in that time I’ve found the previous CEO to be one of the most professional and efficient I’ve ever worked with,” he said.

Councillor Russell Wantling had similar praise for the outgoing CEO.

“I actually had one of the staff come up to me recently and they said to me that councillors come and go and so do mayors,” Cr Wantling said.

“And they said they were so happy to be actually working with a good CEO for once.”

Councillor Joel Richters said he was “thankful for the time that Dave [had] spent with us new councillors”.

“I wish him all the best,” Cr Richters said.

After further comments from Cr Bartley praising the former CEO’s commitment to being “part of the community”, Cr Hamilton closed the meeting with no more discussion.

Despite no official communication, former Bundaberg Regional Council chief executive Steve Johnston is understood to have stepped into the role of acting CEO. It is not known exactly when Mr Johnston started in the position but he was listed as such and quoted in a council press release about roadworks last Friday.

There has been no indication yet as to whether Mr Johnston will step into the role permanently.