10 things to know from Queensland Farmers’ Federation

Here are 10 things to know from QFF.

1. Join QFF for a webinar at 10am on 15 November to hear from the energy project team about the outcomes of the Microgrids Feasibility Study undertaken at four farming locations in New South Wales and Queensland – what worked and what didn’t, what were the challenges, and what were the advocacy outcomes. There will be plenty of time for a valuable Q and A, so please join in. Register at qff.org.au/events/microgrids-agriculture-webinar-2/

2. Following the extraordinary success and popularity of Round 1 of the Queensland Agritourism Business Grants, QFF is pleased to deliver Round 2, offering a 50 per cent co-contribution up to a maximum of $25K to match farmers’ funds. This grant will assist farmers in establishing or expanding into agritourism by employing professional or specialist services or constructing or modifying on-farm infrastructure. This is the final round, so be sure to apply. Applicants who missed out in the first round may apply again.

3. Last week saw the official launch of the Careers in Agriculture Magazine. This resource produced by QFF in conjunction with the Queensland Government and the Rural Jobs and Skills Alliance is aimed at the school leaver market and provides real stories, advice and pathways for a career in agriculture. Check out this valuable resource and share it across your networks to help promote agriculture as an opportunity for the next generation of the workforce.

4. QFF member Nursery and Gardens Industry Queensland, invites you to attend the Brisbane Trade Day to be held at the Redland Showgrounds on 9 November. It’s a great opportunity to meet growers and talk to horticultural traders. The nursery industry is a significant contributor to Queensland’s horticultural sector with a combined supply chain (production to retail) valued at more than $1B annually. Trade Day buyers can register at ngiq.asn.au/event/brisbane-trade-day-at-redland-showgrounds-10/

5. The National Farmers Federation is calling on the Government to increase its focus on food supply issues with President Fiona Simson citing the rising costs of groceries as a key concern for Australians and more needing to be done to help the farming sector increase production and contain food price inflation. NFF’s early response to the Federal budget can be found at nff.org.au/media-release/cost-of-living-budget-could-do-more-to-tackle-grocery-costs/

6. QFF members, Cotton Australia, are the peak body for Australia’s cotton growers, representing up to 1,500 cotton farms mainly in New South Wales and Queensland, but also in northern Victoria. Cotton Australia supports the Australian cotton industry to be world-competitive, sustainable and valued by the community. Head to cottonaustralia.com.au/education-videos to learn more about the fabulous Australian cotton industry and watch a great little feature film which tells the story of how a pair of Australian cotton socks are made, from the field right through to the end product.

7. QFF invites you to breakfast to celebrate National Agriculture Day 2022 on Friday, 18 November. QFF presents keynote speaker Dr Terry McCosker OAM, Founding Director of Resource Consulting Services Australia along with a panel session of agricultural leaders, including special guest Senator the Hon Murray Watt, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and Minister for Emergency Management. Seats are limited so book your ticket now at events.humanitix.com/qff-breakfast-agriculture-in-the-future-economy-celebrating-national-ag-day-2022

8. Farming input costs are continuing to rise putting viability pressures on many enterprises across the State. The horticulture sector has been hit with a new charge being passed onto growers by the Sydney Markets in the form of a Porters Fee of $1 per pallet lift saying it is to fund the market’s increasing costs. This cost has now been pushed to growers to add to the growing list of increasing cost of producing food at farm level. Read Growcom’s reaction at growcom.com.au/2022/10/25/sydney-market-fees-dont-grow-on-trees/

9. The Federal Budget 2022-23 was handed down last week in an environment of rising inflation, interest rates and cost of living, along with continued labour shortages and supply chain issues. See BDO’s budget breakdown bdo.com.au/en-au/federalbudget2022

10. Over 7.3 million tonnes of food is wasted in Australia annually which equates to about 300kgs of food per person per year. The Palaszczuk Government has announced $1.7 million to stop good food from ending up in landfill and instead help Queenslanders in need, with funding to help food rescue organisations provide better services, read more at statements.qld.gov.au/statements/96445