Market story repeats

Cattle numbers were slightly back , sheep and lamb numbers rose as well as pork numbers across the markets this week. The same story is repeating itself, the finished fresher types going forward are holding their own and may be firmer for some types, whilst the drier, lighter and unfinished types are falling under the averages.

Bulls av 288.3c/kg topping at 352.2c/kg or $1186.06 to $3359.86

Cows av 262.2c/kg topping at 315c/kg or $1388.73 to $2535.00

Feeder heifers av 269.6c/kg topping at 344.2c/kg or $1052.25 to $1843.03

Feeder steers av 347.8c/kg topping at 380.2c/kg or $1245.66 to $1768.00

Heifers av 292.7c/kg topping at 349.2c/kg or $1300.18 to $2230.08

Steers av 322.9c/kg topping at 358.2c/kg or $1774.19 to $2581.32

Vealer heifers av 282.8c/kg topping at 350c/kg or $733.90 to $1277.50

Vealer steers av 339.8c/kg topping at 402.2c/kg or $821.67 to $1232.77

Yearling heifers av 306.6c/kg topping at 350.2c/kg or $549.99 to $1392.04

Yearling steers av 335.6c/kg topping at 368.2c/kg or $1002.87 to $1715.00

1155 head av $1141.83 for a gross return of $1.3 million

Lambs topped at $231 to av $154.60 ($14 down)

Hoggets topped at $157 to av $94.87 ($50 down)

Ewes topped at $110 to av $65.25 ($19 down)

Wethers topped at $119 to av $81.56 ($2 up )

Ram Lambs topped at $174 to av $104.64 ($12 down )

Rams topped at $130 to av $109.97 ($6 up )

Sale av was $125.72 for a gross return of $293000

Pig & Pork numbers increased this week to put some oomph! back in the market.

Boars sold from $80 to $280, Sows from $270 to $400, Gilts to $251, Baconers to $195, Pork to $205, Stores from $44 to $225

Poultry numbers were up as itis the first week of the School holidays and what better place to take the kids than the local Wednesdays sales.

Roosters sold to $25, Hens to $35, Pullets to $42.50, Chickens to $27.50, Guinea Fowl to $20, Drakes to $30. Groups of Goslings sold to $65, Java Finches sold to $22.50, Budgies (not the smugglers ) sold to $52.50, Hen & Chicks sold to $65