Rivertree riders unfazed

Trail bike enthusiasts travelled from across South East Queensland and interstate to the annual St Joseph’s Rivertree Trail Ride at the weekend. It was back to the popular Half Moon course this year for riders and rain late last week and Saturday, along with an invasions of leeches and ticks, only made the conditions more challenging for the 700-plus riders.
The event is widely recognised among enthusiasts as a must-do on the trail bike ride circuit. A group of riders that I spoke with had travelled from Ballina and were well set up at Undercliffe Falls. For many of the group of experienced riders, it was their first time at the ride and they were impressed with the course on both Saturday and Sunday. They were full of praise for the hard working volunteers who keep things running smoothly to ensure the safety of riders; and vowed to be back again next year.
Mick Mahoney, one of the stalwarts manning the radios in the operations tent said on Sunday, “Numbers are down a little on some years. We have had over 1000 riders some years but this has been a good crowd; a very manageable number.” Despite the damp conditions, campers enjoyed the entertainment provided on Saturday night.
The annual ride is St Joseph’s main fundraiser for the year and the organising committee once again expressed their gratitude to local property owners who provided access to their properties. Other local residents had spent many hours assisting to set and mark the various courses, which cater for the novice to the experienced rider. Another successful ride done and dusted, not that there was much dust, plenty of mud, many of the riders are already planning for Rivertree 2012.