Night bowls at Warwick East

The Warwick East Bowls club cracked it for some fine weather last Thursday night and finally the club’s night bowls season kicked off. Numbers were good for the first night and Braydon Culverhouse, Margaret Wright and Ed Diery celebrated as winners on the opening night.

By Casey O'Connor

The Warwick East Bowls club cracked it for some fine weather last Thursday night and finally the club’s night bowls season kicked off. Numbers were good for the first night and Braydon Culverhouse, Margaret Wright and Ed Diery celebrated as winners on the opening night.

The weather forecast for this evening is looking good and Night bowls will be on again commencing at 6.30 pm. Names must be submitted by 6pm. The game will be followed by a sausage sizzle.

The monthly triples will also be played today and the three rounds of ten ends starts at 10am. Look for those results in next week’s edition of Spin.

Saturdays round of social bowls was played in memory of Dorothy Hassum and was sponsored by Norm Hassum, and his family were on hand to enjoy the afternoon.

Three games of triples and one of game of pairs were played throughout the afternoon . The winners were Terry Banditt, Dave Smith and Gordon Assay. Lynn Collie, Kay Bloomfield and John Harslett went home with the Runners-up prize. Matt Shepherd, Graeme Wallace and Graham Shelley finished in third place. The club is most grateful to the donors of the raffles and also the ladies who supplied a wonderful afternoon tea.

The club-selected fours competition commences this Saturday and for those bowlers not involved mixed social bowls will be played. for those not involved. Play starts at 1pm. Please have your names in by 12.30.

A reminder that there is a working bee at the club on Saturday morning (13 November) to prepare for the next day.