Greens filled to capacity

The Warwick East monthly triples competition is always a popular event and last Thursday was no exception.

By Casey O'Connor

The Warwick East monthly triples competition is always a popular event and last Thursday was no exception. All eight rinks on the green were full to capacity. Steve Tyter, Marian Skaines and John Cochrane were the winners. Kevin Mooney, Geoff Davis and Peter Ridgewell picked up the prizes for the runners up.

The first-round winners were Peter Collis, Margaret Wright and Bill Lee. The winners of the second round were Ron Philps, Graham Carson and Geoff Creighton and the third round went to the team of Brian Black, Chris Lawler and Pamela Kerr.

The big field on Thursday did curtail the numbers for night bowls later in the evening. With numbers on the light side pairs were played. Margaret Wright and Steve Ford took the evening honours. Ed Diery and Jan Walsham were the runners up.

The rain continues to arrive at the most inconvenient times recently and on Saturday interrupted the Club Selected Fours competition. Play will resume on Saturday 27 November.

Tonight, organisers will be watching the weather forecast with interest. Night bowls are scheduled to begin at 6.30 pm this evening and if you are intending to play, please notify the club by 6 pm.

The Club is hosting a carnival this Sunday so there will be no Social Bowls on Saturday however members who are able, are asked to help with final preparations for the carnival.

On Sunday, morning tea will be available from 8 am, with the first game starting at 9 am.