Weather wins again

The Warwick East Bowls club can’t take a trick recently – another Thursday evening bowls event cleaned bowled by the weather.

By Casey O'Connor

The Warwick East Bowls club can’t take a trick recently – another Thursday evening bowls event cleaned bowled by the weather. The green still suffering the effects of the downpour the previous day and far too wet to contemplate play.

There was better news on Saturday with the final of the club-selected fours competition able to be played. The winners were Peter Collis, Dan Hughes, Matt Shepherd and Paul Beaman scored a 20-17 win over Ed Diery, Steve Ford, Norm Hassum and Sid Morris. There was also one game of mixed social played on another rink.

Club officials Are holding their collective breath and have an eye on the weather forecast as they hope to finally hold another round of night bowls. If the weather gods allow, play will commence at 6.30 pm. Please submit your names to the club by calling (07) 4661 9050 by 6 pm.

This Saturday the club will host usual mixed social bowls with play beginning at 1 pm. Names are required by 12.30 and this will be the final bowls day for 2021. The green is scheduled to be taken out of play for renovation next week.

A reminder to all members that members 2022 subs are now due. Payment of renewals will be appreciated before the end of the year, so the necessary returns can be lodge to Bowls Queensland.