Action on the green

By Casey O'Connor

Last Saturday under clear skies bowlers from the Warwick East club played social bowls. Two games of three-bowls fours were played. The winners Johnno Johnson, Peter Collis, Matt Shepherd and Norm Hassum. Once again, the attempt at the jackpot was unsuccessful.

With green renovations imminent last week was to be the final round of social bowling for 2021. However, the green renovations have been put on hold due to the recent and the club there will be play this Saturday . Social mixed bowls will offer the normal trophies and another opportunity to chance your hand at the jackpot. Play starts at 1pm. Please submit your names by 12.30.

As this is definitely the final round of bowls in 2021, the day will wrap up with a barbecue following play. All members are invited, even if you don’t want to play bowls. You can arrive around 3pm and enjoy the BBQ

In line with Bowls Queensland recommendations and Queensland Government mandates, our clubhouse will be open only to double vaccinated people from tomorrow. Members and visitors are required to bring their proof of vaccination. This will be required only once as the club will record your name for future reference.

A final reminder to all members that your 2022 subs are now due.