Turkey on their minds

By Casey O'Connor

While many of us are contemplating the Christmas Turkey it was ‘Turkey Triples” on the menu at the Southern Cross Bowls Club last week as the club hosted the event for the final time in 2021.

Conditions were very humid and thanks to that band of little green men (and some not so little) the green played very well.

Peter Collis had his eye in early in the day and was very happy with the first rink he played on. Some people went as far as to say they had not seen him play that well in 20 years. Unfortunately, that form didn’t last. In the second game skipping against Dave Scotney and crew he gave away quite a few big scores.

There were some other outstanding games. The rain did show up, but fortunately only for lunch and the bowlers were all in the clubhouse enjoying theirs.

Peter Collis presented Kim Hankinson with his well-earned badge for winning the District President’s Singles.

Although they would have preferred to be watching the cricket, the overall winners on the day were Geoff Creighton and very Grumpy from Tannymoral assisted by Paul Beaman.

The runners-up were Steve Ford, Graeme Wallace and Margaret Wright from the Warwick East Club.

The meal vouchers, donated by the Criterion Hotel, went to Phil Wagner, Lyn Collie and Kay Bloomfield who were beaten by a score of 13 in both games. The meal vouchers were greatly appreciated if not the scores. 13 proving lucky for some. Maybe, maybe not so lucky for Phil Wagner who managed to lock his keys in the boot of his car as he was about to head home.

Raffle prizes went the way of Brian Black, Cocky, Allan Davidson, Dave Scotney and Geoff Davis.

The Southern Cross members and committee extend a big thank you to all the club s and visiting players who have competed in Turkey Triples and other events at the club over the past 12 months. Of course the biggest thank you is saved for the volunteers at the club who make the magic happen.

Last Saturday afternoon, social bowls again proved popular. Six teams played pairs and two teams triples. An array of colourful shirts definitely brightened up the green.

The winner (out of the Christmas hat) was the team of Barry Heffernan and Cheryl Wickham.

There was much anticipation as the $1000 raffle was drawn.

The winner of the first prize of $500 with his grey ticket N100 was that lucky Irishman, Val Gray. (I thought green was supposed to be lucky for we Irishmen – must be where I’ve been going wrong) $100 prizes were won by Sophia Holland, Frank Hankinson, Frazer Roche, Mandy L and Brad Gainey. A nice pre-Christmas pick up for those lucky punters. Congratulations to all.

Those not so lucky in the draw did not miss out as the ladies came to the rescue once again with a great meal including a large variety of magnificent desserts for everyone. Special thanks to those ladies who do such a magnificent job.

As we wind down towards a visit from the man in the red suit there are only a couple of bowls dates remaining on the 2021 calendar.

Today, (Thursday 16 December) Social Mixed Bowls starts at 1pm. Everyone is welcome simply call Val Gray on 0409 611 930 to book your spot.

The year will wrap up on Sunday (19 Dec) with a final round of Social Mixed Bowls. The fun begins at 1pm. Everyone, including beginners are welcome. Be at the club by 12.30. or contact Geoff on 0407 032 001 if you would like a game.

Remember, for barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church in Warwick.

You can follow the club on Facebook or contact the Secretary, Cheryl on 0407 641 158 for further information.