sports shorts (bowls)

David Reeves won the Open men's Stroke event played on Sunday during the Stanthorpe Open Carnival. David is pictured with the spoils of his win.


Weather conditions took the leading role in sporting fixtures across the Southern Downs and beyond over the past week. As a result, many scheduled events were cancelled.

Cricket fixtures in both Stanthorpe and Warwick were abandoned. Many Bowls club programs were also affected. Croquet players also were given time off in the latter part of the week as drain drenched the courts.

Golfers with courts drenched.


Weather conditions for the 2022 Apple Blossom Festival at the Summit Bowls club could barely have been worse. Under ominous skies and despite the persistent drizzle play went ahead on Saturday.

The drizzle held off a few times on Saturday allowing play in the Open three Bowl Pairs to proceed.

The persistent drizzle did little to deter the 20 teams (40 bowlers in all) on Saturday.

The format was eight points for a win, four points for a draw and one point for each end won.

At the end of play the winners, runners up, third place and a sporters award were announced.

Local knowledge obviously was a bonus and the winners with three wins (plus 54) was the Summit team of Brian Wilmot (lead) and Tyler Sweeney (skip).

The winners were followed closely by second placed Cameron Wilson (lead) from Southern Cross Bowls Club and his son Rohan Wilson (skip) from Helensvale. The pair finished with three wins (plus 53).

In third place was another the Summit teams. Paul Zamprogno (lead) and Alex Mattiazzi (skip) finished with three points (plus 51).

Robyn and Peter Smith from the Stanthorpe Club won the Sporters Award.

The Sunday component (Open Fours ) of the Apple Blossom Carnival was cancelled as the rain intensified. Organisers certainly made the correct call to cancel play.

Conditions were dreadful and it was nearly impossible for players to keep their bowls dry.

The Apple Blossom Open Fours Carnival will be rescheduled however the date is yet to be confirmed. Club officials and organisers will keep players from other clubs posted. Everyone will be given plenty of notice in advance of the new date and full details.

The Summit Bowls Club wish to thank the organisers, the bar staff and the ladies in the kitchen for their hospitality. Finally, a big thank you to Frank and his crew for their work on the greens which ran very well despite the wet weather.

We can only hope when the new date is confirmed for the remainder of the Apple Blossom Open Fours Carnival that the weather gods are kind and turn on perfect bowling conditions.


Association Croquet players in Stanthorpe were fortunate to have their games scheduled early in the week and on Tuesday were able to play, missing the worst of the wet weather.

Joy Newman and Jenny Tunbridge played Sharyn Roser in a one sided match up. It was a quick game which ended before the morning tea break.

Newman and Tunbridge got off to a flying start and held a substantial lead after scoring two peels. Roser struggled to roquet a ball and took some time to find her form. Roser managed to narrow the gap after scoring two peels, one double, two runs of

two and one run of three.

Joy Newman scored one peel and two runs of two while her partner, Jenny Tunbridge had one peel and one run of two. The wash up of the game saw Neman and Tunbridge take a 26 – 20 win.

Players of all other disciplines are looking forward to improved conditions this week.


Sunday was a day for the true believers at the members of the Southern Downs Rifle Club who are true believers. The rain held off long enough for the competition at the Risdon Rifle Range to get underway.

Richard topped the leader board in the open Class once again. McKillop had an excellent shoot resulting in another good score. Bruce McAllan was also in good form and was not far away in second place.

There was only one member shooting in the FTR class – the weather frightening off many competitors. Ian Gaines shooting against his own best score.

Results :-500 yards F Class

F Open (Max 126)

Richard McKillop (125.14); Bruce McAllan (123.8); Margaret Taylor (116.7); Dave Taylor (113.4); Geoff Vollmerhause (113.4)

FTR (Max 126)

Ian Gaines 98.1

Next Sunday, 30th October Shooters will assemble at the 600 yard mound. With a more positive forecast they will be hoping for more favourable conditions.

Sign on is at the normal time of 8.30 am in preparation for 9am start to the shoot.

Members and visitors are advised of important changes from Sunday 6th November, the club reverts to summertimes for sign on and start. Sign on 7.30am. Start time 8am. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Margaret (07 4666 1018). She will be able to assist with further information regarding the club, membership or upcoming events.


Those members of the Warwick Croquet Association who play Golf Croquet on Thrusday’s were stymied by the weather last week with the lawns far too wet underfoot to allow any play.

The smaller group who enjoy Association play earlier in the week were more fortunate.

On Saturday 15/10 Tony Hinde and Lesley Grayson combined and played Dorothy Gartery.

Hinde and Grayson were able to Peg Out on 26 points while Gartery scored 21 points.

In the games played on Tuesday (18/10) honours went to Dorothy Gartery and Trish Davey who Pegged Out on 26 points in their game against Julie Grayson and Jill Birtwistle (19).

in the only other game played Peter Campbell was able to peg Out on 26 in his game against Lesley Grayson (19).

All players will be hoping for kinder conditions this week.


Warwick Sporters teed off with heavy hearts last following news of the passing of popular Warwick Golfer and all good round bloke, Don Warrener.

The weather conditions seemed to mirror their mood and only a small field of brave souls teed off.

Our trusty contact Garry Hanson narrowly edged out “Two Names” Gary Russell-Sharam to take the winners spoils. We are reliably informed “Two Names” has trouble spelling his first name (only using one “r” as opposed to Mr Hanson) but makes up for that omission by having “two” surnames.

Ian Skillen (36 points) and Keith Clarke (34 points) each collected a ball in the run down. Mark Simmonds picked up $15 for a win at the pro pin at the 13th while Trevor Davies $5.

Nearest the pins went the way of Wayne Wells (5th); Darrell Bain (7th); Keith

Clarke (9th); “Chainsaw” Al Matthews (11th) and the 16th A Skinner.

Golf thought of the week: “Cooking is just like golf. You just slice it. Chip it, and put it on some Greens. ”

One of the most important dates on the Stanthorpe Golfing calendar each year is the Stanthorpe Open Carnival. The two day event was played last weekend and although the inclement weather did have an impact on player numbers; local players and several visiting players from City Golf, (Toowoomba), Tenterfield Golf Club, Warwick Golf Club and Inglewood Golf Club supported the Carnival.

The weather played its part (unfortunately) throughout the two days and impacted scores.

In Saturday’s 4BBB honours rested with the Burgess family. David and son, Matt, combined to return a winning score of 43 points. It was an excellent result considering the conditions.

Matt, who has been playing good golf has now passed his Dad in the AGU handicap stakes, and now holds a one point advantage.

The runner’s up (after a count back) and by only a point was the team of Richard Reardon and David Gianini (Tenterfield) (42) on a countback.

In the mixed teams’ event, Linda Kelly partnered Aaron Simmers. Linda played an excellent round and collected the pair collected the winner’s prize. The runner’s up, Tod Beckett and Lisa Stuart just a point off the pace.

On day two, Sunday the single events were a Stableford for the Ladies and a Stroke event for the Men.

Nikki Waterworth (35 points) was the overall winner in the ladies. Lyn Ludlow (29 points) the runner up.

Lisa Stuart won Division One ahead of Marie Cook. Margie Locke was the Division Two winner with Helen Jones runner up.

Stanthorpe golfer, David Reeves was a popular winner in the Stroke event. Reeves returned the lowest gross score of 75. Darryl Boekholt had best nett of 69. Best gross score in grades were David Burgess (A grade), Richard Reardon (B grade) and Max Hunter (C grade).

The Nett winners were Ivan Juriss (A grade), Andy Burgess (B grade) and Angelo Maugeri (C grade).

Events such as the Open Carnival would not be possible if it were not for the support of the Club’s sponsors. Maddie’s Gift Gallery, City Golf Club (Toowoomba) and the Tenterfield Golf Club have been ongoing and loyal sponsors of this event for many years and the club is most grateful for their continued support.

Given the conditions and some of the dire weather warnings last weekend the club appreciates the support the event received from club members and those visitors who travelled to Stanthorpe.

Despite the less than ideal conditions, the carnival was declared a success by those who participated. The club extends their thanks to the volunteers, both inside and outside of the club house, and to the match Committee for their hard work.

This week the club returns to normal club competition. Members will be playing for the Peirce Trophy. The event is a mixed 4BBB Stableford event sponsored by the Peirce family. For members cannot arrange a playing partner will contest a 4BBB Stableford event sponsored by David and Stephen of Favero Motors.

There is a time sheet for Saturday on the board at the club. I understand an order has been placed for more amenable weather conditions.

Stanthorpe Sporters had the Sunday off this past week but return to normal play this weekend and everyone is welcome to join the fun.