Trying to back a winner

Casey O'Connor.

As I put the final touches on this week’s column, I am counting down to the Melbourne Cup and hoping that at least one of my selections gets their nose in the frame.

I am also riding every game the Aussie cricketers play in the hope that they can sneak their way into the final rounds of the T20 World Cup but after the wash out the other night I am beginning to believe the gods are perhaps not on our side.

There has been plenty of commentary around selections etc and lots of commentary on the individual form and fitness of some players.

It seems to be par for the course with the Australian Cricket Team.

Excerpts of former captain Tim Paine’s memoir give a sneak peek into Cricket Australia and some of the goings on at the game’s headquarters.

I am sure it will be an interesting read and some close to Cricket Australia may not be overly comfortable with some of his comments.

I was interested to read that in hindsight he believes the entire Australian team should have taken full responsibility for Sandpaper gate and not left Smith Warner and Bancroft to be hung out to dry.

While not admitting direct knowledge of the incident Paine believes strongly now that the team should have shown more support for their teammates.

There are a lot of people in cricketing circles who have echoed those thoughts since day dot.

On the Rugby League World Cup front things should start to heat up over the next week as the pool matches come to an end.

The dilemma of DCE or Nathan Cleary in my eyes should be easily solved – play them both. Again, it’s probably why I’m not a selector.

When games get to the fair dinkum stakes there should be some good clashes between England NZ and Australia.

Meanwhile on home soil the NRL coaching frenzy appears far from over with many calling for Hook to be Hooked from the Dragons.

Have to wonder who the real powerbrokers are – the blokes who sponsor, the board or the players.

Perhaps just perhaps some of the players have a little too much power. Shame we do not see that transferred to the playing field during the season.

Especially if you are a Dragons fan.
