Sports Shorts

The Southern Cross Bowls Club hosted the District (SDDLBA) Super Vets 2022 last week. A large group of Super Vets from Southern Cross, Tannymorel, Tenterfield, Warwick and Warwick East enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with old friends.


Members of the Stanthorpe Bowls club were relieved to finally get back on to the green this past week and play some bowls.

Competition bowls were the order of the week with some fine weather allowing several long overdue matches to be played.

The first of these was the final of the 2021 Men’s Veteran Singles Championship. That is not a misprint – the 2021 Championships suffered a litany of delays due firstly to Covid and then on going weather disruptions. Len Girgenti and Ernie Jones went head-to-head in the final Girgenti proved too strong and won the game and the title 25-7.

The semi-final of the 2022 men’s Veteran’s Singles was another game decided last week and it was worth the wait. It was an enthralling game with the lead changing several times during the course of play. Girgenti finally proved too strong for Jones scoring a convincing 25-7 win. Thanks to Helen Jones.

The 2022 Men’s Veteran Singles semi-final between Bruno Stefanon and Ernie Jones was an enthralling game. Both players held the lead at various stages of the game however in the end it was Bruno Stefanon who prevailed winning 27-23.

David Rose marked this game.

Congratulations to all players in these game and the club appreciates your patience.

The final of the 2022 Pairs Championship was played on Saturday. This was another a very close game with Frank Gallo and Wendy Hurnall playing David Rose and Brian Brown. Gallo and Hurnall went on to score an 18-15 win in another entertaining game.

The social bowling scene has also sprung back to life and last Wednesday two games of triples and a game of pairs were played. Dot Rankin, Ray Rankin and Greg Hammond out played D Rankin John Graham and Mick Mills scoring a 29-14 win. Poly Lay, Brian Brown and Gary Trevena won a low scoring affair against Sylean Fairley Jack Bell and Peter Smith. The score 14-11.

The pairs game resulted in a win for Barry Murphy and John Fairley who out-scored Margaret Harvey and Wendy Hurnall 21-15.

On Saturday members enjoyed more of the great conditions and they played two social games of triples.

In a thrilling game Bruno Stefanon, Helen Jones and Robyn Rose drew their game against Ray Rankin, Dot Rankin and Mark Wicks 20-20all. Ernie Jones, Jack Bell and Gary Trevana scraped home to defeat Luisa Girgenti, Rocky Thompson and Len Girgenti 20-19.

Jason and Michelle Girgenti from All About Mechanical are the club’s featured sponsors this week and are thanked for their contribution and on-going support of the club.


The Stanthorpe Mallet players were pleased to see some sunshine poking through last week which allowed both Association, Golf Croquet and Gateball games to go ahead.

. Association players were first on the court last Tuesday Jenny Tunbridge and Joy Newman played Heather Widderick and Sharyn Roser and proved a formidable combination.

Newman scored two hoops with very long shots and a run of two which set the team up for an early lead. Widderick and Roser struggled to get on the score board early and trailed for the entire game. Tunbridge widened the gap when she scored two runs of two hoops and a peel.

Widderick managed one peel and Roser one run of two and a peel before Newman pegged out. The final score Tunbridge and Newman 26-17 (Widderick and Roser)

Four players enjoyed the conditions on Wedneaday (26/10) and played Golf Croquet.

Shirley Evans and Liz Ellway played Bev Sullivan and Jennifer Gleadhill. Sullivan and Gleadhill played well and won the game 15-8.Evans and Sullivan each scored a hole in one in this game.

In the second game Ellway and Sullivan teamed up for a decisive win over Evans and Gleadhill. The score 15-9.

On Friday (28/10) the Gateball players had use of the court.

The club welcomed a new member, Sharon Budd to the ranks, and look forward to enjoying many games with Sharon in the future. Michael and Cathy Fox also returned to enjoy more fund and games.

Les Williams, Jenny Tunbridge, Cathy Fox and Heather Widderick played the red balls in the

first two games against Sharyn Roser, Sharon Budd, Michael Fox and Joy Newman.-

Game one was a well matched game scores were quite close until some accurate play from Michael Fox and Sharon Budd allowed Whites take the lead. The White team held their advantage and went on to win 9-7. Newman scored with several long shots in this game.

In the second game the red balls appeared reluctant to come into play. It again gave the White team the opportunity to control hoops two and three and prevented Reds from scoring in the early stages. Budd was shooting accurately and scored an Agari with a spark.

The White team went on to take another win. The score 16-9 and in a good performance scored two Agaris.

In the final two games Roser, Michael Fox and Newman played the Red balls. Williams, Tunbridge, Cathy Fox and Widderick played White balls.

Newman got her the Red off to an excellent start on the back of some accurate long shots. Williams also managed some accurate shooting for his team however the Red team was playing too well and scored a 12-6 win.

The final game was the closest of the day. Scores remained even until the final shot of the game. Tunbridge had some bad luck at hoop three and the White team snuck home with a 9-7 win.


The Warwick Croquet players were also pleased to be back on the lawn last Thursday in perfect playing conditions for Golf Croquet. Despite the conditions there were no reports of any players scoring a hole in one but most scores throughout the day were close.

Results 27/10

Marian Cirson and Sue Stanley-Harris (7) V Barb Morrison and Dani Logan (5)

Rhyl Dearden and Maree Windle (7) V Joyce Mahony and Beth Schottelius (6)

Lil Henricks and Jan Hegarty (7) V Carol Ryan and Judy Funder (5)

Joyce Mahony and Rhyl Dearden (7) V Marian Cirson and Maree Windle (5)

Lil Henricks and Beth Schottelius (7) V Sue Stanley-Harris and Jan Hegarty (4)

Barb Morrison and Judy Funder (7) V Dani Logan and Carol Ryan (5)

Jan Hegarty and Carol Ryan (7) V Joyce Mahony and Judy Funder (4)

Marian Cirson and Rhyl Dearden (7) V Barb Morrison and Sue Stanley-Harris (4)

Maree Windle (7) v Beth Schottelius (5).


A clash of dates meant that the Warwick East Bowls Club was unfortunately unable to hold their popular monthly pairs day last Thursday. The SDMDBA (Southern Downs Men’s District Bowls Association) scheduled their Super Veterans day on the same date which meant many regulars were unable to attend.

Last Saturday the club celebrated the memory of Dorothy Hassum holding an enjoyable day of mixed social bowls day.

The equal winners overall were Cita Weir and Lynn Collie, with Ray Southee taking out third place. The club wishes to thank everyone who supported the afternoon and a special thank you to Norm Hassum for his generous sponsorship of the event.

The club will be looking for better fortune today (Thursday) when Warwick East hosts the club’s regular monthly triples day. Play begins at 10am

A reminder that there will be an afternoon of mixed social bowls on Saturday, with play starting at 1pm.

A reminder for members to note in their diaries that there will be no social bowls on Saturday 12 November due to the meeting to vote on the amalgamation of the three Warwick bowls clubs. The meeting which is being held at the Warwick East Clubhouse begins at midday.

Following the meeting there will be a working bee to prepare for the club’s Carnival the following day. The club is urging members to attend the meeting and have their say on the amalgamation issue and hopefully stay on to help with the working bee.


Another busy Sunday at the Southern Cross Bowls Club. Nick Farmer, Roger Cavanagh and Steve Tyter scored a 16-12 win over Cate Gardner, Marion Skaines and Jools.

Val Gray’s new MFC logo bowls did little to save his fellow teammates, Joe Torrisi and Dave Scotney. The team suffered a two shot loss to Barry Frame, Al Thornton and Geoff Davis. The final score 16-14.

The winners with the highest score were Peter Ridgewell, Robyn Griffith and Matt Shepherd who thrashed their opponents, the team of Al Buse, Gary Penn and Clark Davidson winning 37 – 6.

Marion Skaines won the lucky numbers raffle twice and was banned from buying a number in the third raffle which was ultimately won by the magic barman Whispering Pete.

Pete who was busy sharing a recent glowing endorsement of his good work behind the bar. I’m told he is good; you just need to ask him. (harsh)

The member’s draw was conducted by Junior Vice President Barry Frame. Member number 48, Trevor Aspinal, unfortunately was not in the house and the prize jackpots to to $40 next week.

This Sunday 6th November, the club will host Social Mixed Bowls starting at 1pm. Everyone including beginners are welcome. Please be at the club by 12.30pm if you are intending to play.

For barefoot bowls, social and competition bowls, functions and bar, it is hard to go past the Southern Cross Bowls Club Inc. located opposite St Mary’s Church in Warwick.

For further details contact the secretary by email or if you are keen to book a function or require more details phone Patrick 0409 616 163.

You can follow all the activities on the club’s Facebook page.


The final of the Warwick Club Selected Fours was played last Saturday at the Warwick Bowls. Earlier rounds were played during October.

In the first round semi-final David ter Hedde, Gary Cooper, John Ruhle (sub Edwin Welsh) and Max Holder scored a one shot win over Gerda Brack, Max Balfour, R. Price and Craig Thurgate 17-16.

Pamela Kerr, Bing Hansen, Russell Bean and Brian Black were convincing 25-12 winners in their semi-final against Ann Whitfield, Tim Gallagher, Richard Tartan and Phil Wagner.

In Saturday’s final David ter Hedde, Gary Cooper, Edwin Welsh and Max Holder defeated Pamela Kerr, Bing Hansen, Russell Bean and Brian Black 19-16.

Congratulations to the winners and runner’s up who all played good bowls.

On Saturday there were also two Social games played.

Bill Lee and Max Balfour defeated Ann Whitfield and John Ruhle 19-13 while Michael Dungey and Phil Wagner scored a very comfortable 24-16 win in their game against Faye Flint and Brian Black.

Earlier in the month (12/10) 18 bowlers were on the green for the popular Jack Pot Pairs. The winners were Darryl Phillips and Russell Bean.

The KFC sponsored bowls day was held on Wednesday 26/10. Nat, Ray Southee and Russell Bean were the winners.

What’s ahead in November:

Wed 9/11: Jack Pot – $50.00;

Sat 12/11 Social; Wed16/11: K.F.C. Sponsored bowls; Sat 19/11 Social;

Wed 23/11 Social; Sat 26th/11 Social; Wed 30/11 K.F.C. Sponsored bowls.

Bowlers, please note that Nominations for play on Wednesdays must be submitted between 8am and 8.30am with play starting at 9am

Nominations for games on Saturdays must be submitted between noon and 12.30 with games starting at 1pm. Alternatively, names can be placed on the outside Notice Board at the club.

The Warwick Bowls Club Christmas party will be held at the Condamine Club on

Party at the Condamine Sports Club on Thursday 17 November. It is 5.30 for 6pm and numbers are required add their name/s to the Christmas Poster located inside the main entrance of the club. You can also call the club on playing days or call Trish (07 46670990).

A reminder that the Warwick Bowls club is ideally situated for your next function. To make a booking or for further information please call Trevor (0417 006 745) or Max (0418 341 982).


The Clifton bowls Club held their popular Mid-Week Fours competition last Wednesday (26/10). The event this month sponsored Forbes Batteries and there was an excellent roll up.

The overall winners was the team skipped by L Harvey.(J Cochrane, G Green, G Horne and L Harvey).

In the opening round the winners played V Rush, G Knights, L Hudson and B Lucht and scored a 17-13 win. In game two they defeated R Graham, M Foster, S Barnes and I Gillam ( Forbes Batteries) 17-9.

The runners up were J Keleher, G Death, L Collie and D Hicks who had an 18-7 win over K Bloomfield, L Tickle, C Thurgate and D Christensen in their first game. In the second round they score a 15-12 win over K Weier, R Chicken, J Hanson and M Tickle.

The last round winners skipped by D Callaghan (P Ayerst, E Scott, F Taylor and D Callaghan) scored a 23 – 8 win over P Knowles, C Wilson, C Davidson and K Hankinson

Other Results

Game 1:-

S Galbraith, C Theodosis, G McCarthy and L Bartz def J Torrisi, D Scotney, M Skaines and Slave 14 – 12.

J Harslett, S Ford, M Wright and M Shepherd def P Ayerst, E Scott, F Taylor and D Callaghan 16 – 9.

K Morris, D Kehl, L Smith and R Kehl def K Weier, R Chicken, J Hanson and M Tickle 12 – 11.

P Knowles, C Wilson, C Davidson and K Hankinson def G Assay, A Larkin, C Weir and K Moody 24 – 14.

R Graham, M Foster, S Barnes and I Gillam ( Forbes Batteries) def J Rowan, N Short, W O’Callaghan and S Tweedie 24 – 10.

N Kuhn, A Imhoff, G Jago and K Kuhn drew with V Argent, N Ezzy, L Sutton and R Gibbs – 15 all.

Game 2 :-

B Lucht def S Tweedie 15 – 13; L Bartz def K Kuhn 16 – 12; K Mooney def M Sheppard 20 – 10; D Christensen def R Kehl 18 – 7; R Gibbs and Slave drew – 13-all.

On Thursday evening the night bowls event continued.

Unsalted Peanuts 11 defeated Holey Rollers 5. Aw Gees had a big win 23-3 over Rock n Bowlers. Contractors defeated Untouchables by one shot. The score 9-8.

Daley Rurals had a comprehensive Bowling Stones 17-3.

The winners of winners was the Daley Rural Team. Winners of Losers – Untouchables.

The final of the Competition Pairs was played last Saturday with D Kehl and N Postle scoring a 24-13 win over D Smith and R Kehl.

Wrapping up a busy week at Clifton G Death and G Jago defeated L Smith and B Betts 17 – 8 in a social game on Saturday.

Looking ahead :-

Thursday 3 Nov – Night Bowls continue be at the club by 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Saturday 5 Nov – Club Trophy – names in by 12.30 pm for a 1.00 pm

Saturday 12 Nov – Weier Boys Day – names in by 11.30 pm bowls start noon BBQ to follow, casual dress, all welcome.

Monday 14 Nov – Committee meeting – 7pm.

Saturday 19 Nov- Competition Triples at 1pm.

The bar at the club will be open from 5pm on Friday night with meals available from 6pm. Booking can be made by calling Julie on 0402029263.

The Friday night member’s Jackpot now stands at $30.

The Clubhouse at the Clifton Bowls club is available for hire for private functions.

To make a booking or for further information please call Necia (0438 973 707) who will be able to assist.