Fingerlings freed for future fishing

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi rolled up the trousers and got hands on last weekend helping members of the Stanthorpe BlueWater Fishing and Re Stocking Club to release fingerlings into Quartpot Creek. He pictured being closely supervised by Desley Watson and Lockwood Wilson.

By Casey OÇonnor

Those people who enjoy wetting a line in Severn River and Quartpot creek will be pleased to know that another batch of fingerlings have been released into the waterways.

The Stanthorpe Blue Water Fishing and Re-stocking Club released the last of this season’s fingerlings into the Severn River and tributaries at the weekend.

The fingerlings take approximately three years to reach legal size.

In the past year the Fishing Club has release 8696 Golden Perch 2174 Silver Perch and 650 Murray Cod into the Severn River system which matches similar numbers released in the previous year and should ensure a bright future for fishing in our local waterways.

The restocking was made possible thanks to a community grant from the SDRC which recognises the continued benefits of freshwater fishing to the area.

The benefit of the SDRC initiative is evident by the number of young and old, visiting and local anglers fishing in our streams. This in turn has a positive economic flow on to the business community.

Fishing is a sport that can be enjoyed by all and spans the divide between generations providing young and old with memories to treasure. Restocking ensures those pleasures will continue.

The Blue Water Fishing and Restocking Club welcomes new members and meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Stanthorpe RSL Club at 7.30pm.