Reedy grabs academy spot

Eurostarfootball interviewer Archie with Stanthorpe's Jack Reedy.

By Casey OÇonnor

Teenager Football player Jack Reedy packed his gear and grabbed the opportunity of a lifetime, taking up an offer to study at the Stephen Gerrard Academy in the UK.

The Stanthorpe teenager has been in the UK since early in the New Year according to his mother Tamara.

“Jack is really enjoying the experience although it has been very cold over there and he is not keen on the food,” he said.

“He will be home for a few weeks shortly during the during the College holidays and is really looking forward to some good food.”

She said Jack loves college and is studying subjects that really interest him.

He hopes to study Sports Management at University and his current studies are a stepping-stone in that direction, although according to his mother it does not seem as though much time is spent in n College.

While Jack is very settled and happy with life at the Academy there are many regular phone calls to home to keep the family up to date on what is happening.

It is on the pitch that Jack’s real passion lies.

In a recent interview with Eurofotballstar Jack said he is enjoying his time at the Stephan Gerrard Academy.

He told the interviewer, “I am playing high quality football, training everyday and learning new techniques on how to recover better.” Jack also said he is playing faster and stronger.

When asked to pin point the highlight of playing Academy football Jack said it was probably playing high intensity football.

“I am playing against stronger, bigger and faster players which tests his ability.” In fact he likes everything about it.

He says that his biggest personal takeaway so far has been learning how to help his body recover and how to eat properly. The whole experience is great.

In a very polished interview he diplomatically did not mention he is keen to enjoy some of Tamara’s cooking.