Little athletes have big fun

The Grantie Belt Little A's group with the man of the moment Matt Denny.

By Casey O’connor

Organisers of the Little A’s Community Round Mini Meet at Hamilton Park in Warwick, involving members of the Warwick and Granite Belt Little Athletics clubs, have declared the day a success.

Warwick Little Athletics club president Jess O’Brien and event co-ordinator Eva Norton both said it was a great day at the events wrapped up Saturday afternoon.

“This is only the second time we have run the event and the turnout this year is amazing,” O’Brien said.

“There are so many new faces.

“It is not about the competition, it is all about good friendly participation and family fun and fitness,” Jess O’Brien said.

“The weather has been great and the time the kids got to spend with Matt Denny early in the day was fantastic.

“I’m sure they made many new friends.”

From the tiniest athletes in the under-fives’s age group to the more experienced Under 15’s 16’s there was something for everyone. Most of the kids competed in 70m or 100, 200 and 800 metre races, long jump, discus shot out and long jump throughout the day.

The littlest ones were all keen to give everything a try even if a few did run astray rather keeping to their own lanes in the races – it was all part of a wonderful fun day.

Planning now begins for 2024.