The Summit to field two pennant teams

President Peter Collis and Warwick Funeral's representative Stephen Wilson with Warwick East triples winners Ralph Tate, John Harslett and Ed Diery.

The Summit club has nominated two teams in the District Pennants which will be played 17-18 August.

One team will play in First Division and the other team will play in Third Division.

The First Division will play on two days, Saturday 17-18 August.

The Third Division will play on Saturday, 17 August.

Intending players should nominate on the sheet on the board at the club. Nominations will close next Saturday,

The next district event will be the Men’s Two Bowl Triples which will be held at Warwick East on 13-14 July.

Despite the unpleasant weather three games of bowls were played on Saturday afternoon. Results are as follows – Rod Crome and George Little beat Cliff Jones and Pam Moore 20-12, Rocky Thompson and Brian Wilmot beat Joe Straatman and Larry Mullin 14-9, Mary Zanatta, Eddie Zanatta and Frank Taylor beat Maree Ball, Phil Davis and Carl Sutherland 25-7. Trophy winners were Margaret Harvey and Larry Mullin.

Calendar for the coming weeks

Saturday 13 July: SDMDBA Men’s Two Bowl Triples sectional at Warwick East, Social Bowls at The Summit. Sunday, 14 July SDMDBA Men’s Two Bowl Triples – Finals; Tuesday 16 July, Turkey Triples; Saturday 20 July, trophy afternoon; Saturday, 27 July; Group Three: playoffs at Chinchilla, draw not yet available, social bowls The Summit; Sunday 28 Jul: Group Three playoffs at Chinchilla.

Warwick East Bowls Club

Thursday (4 July) Warwick East bowls held their monthly triples competition was sponsored by Warwick Funerals, attracting 16 teams.

The strong, cool breeze was quite a challenge, but the sun stopped things from being too cold. The winners were Ralph Tate, Ed Diery and John Harslett, while the runners-up were Johnno Johnson, Geoff Davis and Darryl Busch. The trophies were presented by Stephen Wilson of Warwick Funerals.

On Saturday (6 July) the club held mixed social bowls with four games of triples played. The equal winners were Wayne Dobbin and Wayne Foster. The equal runners-up were Johnno Johnson and Ed Diery. The attempt at the jackpot was unsuccessful.

There will be no social bowls this coming Saturday, as Warwick East is hosting the District Two-Bowl triples competition. They will be back on Saturday 20 July. Saturday 20 July is also the cut-off date for nominations for the club’s two-bowl singles competition. This is not a format they have used before, so they will be interested in hearing the comments of the participants. The competition is being sponsored by Graham Steed of Warracknabeal Bowls Club.

Finally, there is a sign-up sheet for anyone wanting a club name badge.

Warwick Bowls

There were 18 players on Saturday 6 July for social bowls with the club welcoming two travelling visitors, Helen and Keith Murphy.

Results: Aaron Payne, Marion Cirson, Russell Bean def Barry Perks, Craig Thurgate, Dave Scotney 12-11; Michael Dungey, Dave Russell, Geoff Davis def Shane Bailey, Gary Cooper, Jim Rickard 15-13; Helen Murphy, Barry Best, Marion Skaines tied with Keith Murphy, Cathy Best, Clark Davidson 10/10.

The Draw for Club Selected Triples is as follows: First round: D Russell, R Southee, John Ruhle v A Payne, C Davidson, Trevor Wright; P Kerr, R Bean, D Scotney vs Shane Bailey, Faye Flint, Brian Black; The following two teams have a bye M Cirson, M Skaines, J Richard and T Owens, G Cooper, G Davis and will play each other, and will start play at the same time as the above teams but will be in the second round. .

Coming Events for July: Saturday 13th: Club Selected Triples as above will play at 10 am. Social Bowls at 1pm; Wednesday 17: KFC Social Bowls, 1pm; Saturday 20: final of CS Triples and social. To nominate for Social on Wed and Sat ‘phone the Club on 46611516 between noon and 12.30pm for play at 1pm.

Sunday 28: Crazy Krafts Kitties starting at 10am. Everyone welcome, including bowlers, visitors, beginners, barefoot, students for a great fun day of bowling. Wear something crafty – there will a prize for the best ‘Kitty’ . There will be two sessions: 10.30am – 12pm and 1.30-3pm. The Open Day cost $15. bowls available.