Last throw of the dice

Cowboys players of the match best back, Morgan Byrne, Player of the match Mitch Wilson - presented by Sam Williamson. Best forward was Ben Sullivan. (Supplied: Helen Howard).

By Tania Phillips, Glyn Rees and Andrew O’brien

The Warwick Cowboys have one last chance to put the icing on the cake of an impressive season and make the TRL grand final but they need to beat defending premiers Dalby Diehards at Father Ranger Oval on Saturday night in Warwick to do it.

The young Cowboys, who were unbeaten for most of the season, lost their tough preliminary final against the Valley Roosters at Warwick on Sunday 22-18 and now face Dalby to keep their season alive while Valley’s face Gatton in Sunday’s major semi final.

Cowboys mentor Col Speed said the team made it hard for themselves at the weekend.

“The first 15 we just didn’t stick to the game plan and then basically gave them too much possession in easy field positions,” he said.

“We had a certain game plan in regards to the heat conditions and what we should to do. We needed an 85 per cent or above completion rate in the first half or 15 or 20 minutes and we didn’t achieve that and it came back to bite us in the arse. The effort, energy and desire – everything was there in the second half which is something to be very proud of and our defence stood up and we could have easily turned it up when the score line – they were up by two tries. To the boys credit they hung in there and got a late try. We unfortunately didn’t capitalise on a few things and it makes hard on ourselves.”

The first 40 minutes was played in hot conditions and both sides knowing they were in a tough contest. Each side started well with Roosters Denzel Burns scoring in the 3rd minute after an over lap saw him score in the corner.

Warwick replied well when Darryl Eperia crashing over beside the post to give Warwick the lead after six minutes. That was the last time the Cowboys held the lead. 6-4.

Valleys scored after the next scrappy period in the 16th minute when Dylan Chown scored in the right eastern corner of the field Valleys 10-6.

The match settled down and both sides lifted. The heat was draining and as is the case a lot of times. Just before half time, the momentum swing the Roosters needed happened when Dwayne Duncan capitalised on a good hit up by Josh Stanton. Stanton off loaded in the tackle to Duncan who put Komiti Vetemotu in the left western corner to get Roosters to a 16-6 lead at halftime.

Warwick came out the better in the second half. Valleys slotted a penalty goal in the 44th minute to stretch their lead to 18-6 but the Cowboys dug dig deep to get back in the match. One of Cowboys’ best Morgan Bryne scored near the Warwick’s can bar much to the delight of their biggest crowd of the season. (12-18) after 51 minutes.

The next 16 minutes was not for the faint hearted. Warwick threw everything at the Roosters. Something had to give and Cory McGrady’s high kick in the 67th minute for his outside men was one of the turning points with Roosters Alex Hinch out jumping the opposition in one of the tries of the season! Valleys 22-12.

Warwick did grind away and gave themselves a chance when the scored a clever try with six minutes remaining. It showed what Warwick are capable of with Ben Sullivan setting up Nick Chapman to score near the posts for a final crack at snatching the game. 18-22 Valleys.

Meanwhile Dalby Diehards have their chance to defend the 2023 premiership after a gutsy 24-22 win over Wattles in the knockout final at Platz Oval on Saturday night. Dalby finished the regular season in fifth position. Wattles earnt the right to host the match after they finished one place ahead of Dalby in fourth position.

On the back of an outstanding performance by front-row skipper Blake Mara, the Diehards rose from half time adversity to earn a place in the next stage of the TRL Finals Series.

Crafty hooker Tommy Hatch impressed throughout in green and gold, as did experienced hands halfback Matt Duggan and veteran fullback Jackson Green.

Dalby try scorer extraordinaire Chris Woodbridge put first points on the scoreboard after barely a minute of play after kicking a loose ball ahead and winning the race easily to score his 34th try for the season.

Wattles steadied the ship in the face of the Diehards onslaught to go to the break leading 22 – 10, through tries by back-rower Tyson Stevens and threequarters Lachlan Watt, Joe Willett and Matt Christensen.

The second stanza saw the Dalby line-up highlight their superb form coming into the final’s series, and tries by giant forward Sam Fermor and winger Max Gaur saw them in hot pursuit trailing the Warriors 20 – 22.

With both teams face to face in a mighty contest running into the final minutes of the game, slick centre Matthew Drews raced through to collect a kick and score out wide to allow Dalby their 24 – 22 winning lead.

Warwick V Dalby

TRL – A Grade- Elimination Final

Father Ranger Oval, Warwick

Saturday 31 st August 6.30pm