New players welcome when basketball returns

Basketball action from Wirac. Panthers Josiah Masculino is a “Picture of Concentration” in last Thursdays action. (Supplied Pop Dickerson).

The Ford Supercamp Cup basketball competition goes into hiatus this week with action set to return with Week 10 on 3 October at Wirac.

Competition organiser Pop Dickerson said new players were welcome and could sign- up on 3 October.

He said the draw is to be advised with game times at 6pm and 7pm.

Dickerson said there had now been nine weeks of competition with some solid basketball being played across the four games each week.

He said there were some close matches in round nine on 12 September with Ex-Pats defeating RPC 55-53 with top scorer Nelson Loterie scoring 20 points.

Dream Team continued their impressive run with a 69-47 win over Desperadoes with Sam Wall scoring 30 points.

Giddy Games, another of the top teams, defeated Wickhams 60-29 with Percy Mansfield and Oliver Miller scoring 19 points each.

In the other game Panthers defeated The Left Overs 53-43, Jordan Kendall scored 16 points.


1st Dream team – 24pts

1st Panthers – 24pts

3rd RPC – 21pts

4th Giddy Gang – 20pts

5th Ex-Pats 17pts

6th- Desperadoes -14pts

7th- Left-overs -11pts

8th Wickham -9pts