CSG movies to screen

THE Southern Downs Protection Group, which is opposed to the mining of coal and coal seam gas (CSG) in the region will show two documentaries after its AGM next Thursday, 17 October.
“The two new Lock the Gate documentaries Undermining Australia and Fractured Country capture in stark terms the personal heartache of Australians whose lives have
been changed forever by coal and gas mining, and the heroic actions everyday people are taking to defend the country they love,” said Southern Downs Protection Group president, Dawn Heath.
She encouraged community members to attend to learn more about the impacts of these industries on communities throughout Australia.
“Although the Arrow Energy exploration permit for coal seam gas that covered much of the region was relinquished last year, there are still permits for coal exploration covering large parts of the district,” Ms Heath said.
“Our members feel that such a closely-populated area as the Southern Downs, with high value agricultural soils and an established farming community, priceless water resources, a rich cultural heritage and extensive scenic and biodiversity values, is totally inappropriate for mining of any kind.”
Over the last 12 months, SDPG members and supporters have been involved in a number of awareness-raising events.
The group’s AGM and screening will occur at 7pm at the Criterion Hotel, Palmerin Street, Warwick next Thursday.