Rainbow of roses


TAKE the time to smell the roses.
St Mark’s Women’s Guild will hold its 51st annual Rose Festival tomorrow, 11 October.
The ladies say it will hard to top last year’s 50th event but they are confident of having another successful competition and exhibition.
This year they have chosen the theme Roses of Many Colours.
“As usual, we are keeping fingers – and toes – crossed that the weather will co-operate,” said guild member Sue Nalder.
“Local gardeners, however, manage to produce blooms to enchant year after year despite wind and rain and we look forward to welcoming those entrants who have supported the Rose Festival over the years.”
Newcomers to the district and especially novice gardeners are encouraged to participate.
“ The aim of our Rose Festival is to offer a no-cost way for anyone in our community to showcase their talent,” Ms Nalder said.
“Remember it only takes one rose to win the coveted Champion Rose accolade.
“Several past champions have had just a single rose bush in their garden and one year, our winner had only one rose in bloom at festival time!”
A new trophy for Reserve Champion Rose has been instituted in memory of the late Halvor Guy, along with a cash prize of $15, courtesy of his family. He was a regular entrant and winner in the rose competition.
Schedules are available from St. Mark’s Church on Grafton Street or by emailing sue.nalder@gmail.com
There is no charge for entries, which should be delivered to St. Mark’s Parish Hall, Grafton Street, Warwick tomorrow morning between 8.30 and 10.30am. Judging commences at 11am and the trophy and prize presentation commences at 1.30pm.
Entry to view the display is $6, including afternoon tea, entertainment, raffles and cent sale.