Diners come to rescue

Dinner organisers include Council Media Advisor Sonia Wood, Mayor Cr Peter Blundell, SDRC Executive Administration Officer Laurine King and CEO of the CEO Challenge Wendy Reid.

THERE are no winners from domestic violence, but there is increased awareness.
Southern Downs Regional Council Mayor Peter Blundell’s CEO Challenge dinner on Saturday night at the Warwick RSL was attended by about 80 people and contributed to his bid to raise awareness and funds for victims of domestic violence.
Cr Blundell said the CEO Challenge was a nation-wide campaign that asks CEOs and community leaders to take action to help prevent domestic violence in families and communities.
“In this campaign CEOs, senior business leaders and prominent community leaders compete against each other over a six-month period, from June to November,” Cr Blundell said.
They promote awareness of domestic violence and its impact on workplaces and the community, and while doing so raise funds to support local services for women who need housing or other assistance, he said.
Cr Blundell said the dinner was a great success and everyone enjoyed entertainer Eric Summons who kept the laughter flowing.
“I am pleased that so many local businesses have supported my campaign by donating raffle prizes,” he said.
“We had some wonderful accommodation prizes, wine and other giveaways and there were many people at the dinner who came away with a smile and prize in hand,” he said.
Cr Blundell emphasised there was a serious part of the night as all who attended knew that the intent of the CEO Challenge is to raise awareness about domestic violence.
“The CEO of the CEO Challenge Wendy Reid spoke about her work and thanked the Southern Downs community for supporting this important initiative,” he said.
“Wendy is very involved with workplaces throughout Queensland and provides a comprehensive training program for businesses so that employers can provide support to employees who are dealing with domestic violence in their lives.
“The funds raised from my campaign will go to local support services for families experiencing domestic violence and this is very important to everyone who has been a part of my CEO Challenge,” he said.
Cr Blundell and members of his CEO Challenge working party will attend the CEO Challenge judging evening on 22 November in Brisbane. There are nine other challenge contenders from around Queensland.
“I’m looking forward to the judging night but really in the end I’m pleased to have raised a lot of awareness about domestic violence and given a profile to a subject that doesn’t receive much attention,” he said.