Students in ’lock-up’

Groves Christian College students have their speed tested by radar at Stanthorpe Police Station.109973_01

STUDENTS had their running speed clocked on radar when they visited Stanthorpe Police Station.
The distance education students from Groves Christian College and other local distance education families were recently invited by Senior Constable John Thomson for an excursion to the police station.
The tour started with a brief overview of police procedures and equipment.
Gun and Taser cabinets were thoroughly examined by curious students who were then given the experience of being handcuffed and locked in a prison cell.
Different roles and career opportunities within Queensland Police were explained and the interview room was packed while students learnt about fingerprinting, the right to remain silent and the interview recording machine.
The visit concluded with the students’ running speed being caught on radar and taking a close-up look at a police car, including hearing the deafening noise of the siren.