Southern Downs Rifle Club

ON Sunday 24 November we were at the 600 yard range on a very overcast morning that looked as if it would rain and ruin the day. However it did fine up as the morning progressed. We had visitors from Brisbane and Toowoomba attend our day’s event, they were most welcome. The Scores for Target Rifle (Iron Sights) out of a possible 105 were Jim Dickenson (Pratten) 102.9, Jim Dixon (Brisbane) 94.2, Chris Neave (SDRC) 93.2 and Don Hudson (Toowoomba) 90. I apologise to Graham Eagle as I did not receive his final score, I believe that it was well in the 90’s. The scores for F Class (Scope Class) out of a possible 126: Beth Caskey (Pittsworth) 116.1, Bob Tyllyer (SDRC) 114.6, Margaret Taylor (SDRC) 112, Barry Russell (SDRC) 109.1, David Taylor (SDRC)107.4, Paul Findlay ( SDRC) 107.2 and Rob Smythe (SDRC) 97.1.
Next Sunday, 1 November we will be holding our Christmas party. Members and their wives are invited to attend and have a great time. We ask all members to bring along a present up to the value of $10 to be placed on the table. We will shoot the 600 yard range again as it is close to the clubhouse. Come along and enjoy a great day.
New members and shooters are very welcome to attend our day’s event. Come along and try long range target shooting for a sport. You will find the sport very challenging and a great sport to be involved in. You will meet great people who are only to happy to assist you. If you do not possess a rifle we can arrange for a club rifle to be made available for the day’s event. To arrange for a club rifle please contact Chris Neave.